University of Nebraska Medical Center

Lynda B. Hayes, PhD

Assistant Professor, MMI Department of Psychology
Licensed Psychologist

Lynda Hayes, PhD

Lynda B. Hayes, PhD, is an assistant professor at the University of Nebraska Medical Center's Munroe-Meyer Institute and a licensed psychologist in MMI's Department of Psychology. Hayes earned her doctorate in school psychology from the University of Southern Mississippi and completed her pre-doctoral internship and post-doctoral fellowship at the Munroe-Meyer Institute.

Hayes provides clinical services at the Munroe-Meyer Institute and works with populations across the lifespan, specializing in assessment and behavioral therapy with individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their caregivers. She has conducted research on childhood health behaviors, caregiver training (including modified parent-child-interaction therapy), classwide behavioral interventions and a community-based summer academic program.

  • PhD: University of Southern Mississippi, 2021.
  • MA: University of North Carolina Wilmington, 2013.
  • BA: University of North Carolina Wilmington, 2011.

Hayes provides patient care services at UNMC Munroe-Meyer Institute Department of Psychology

Clinic Location: Munroe-Meyer Institute

Publications from PubMed

Recent Publications

  • Hayes, L. B., Dufrene, B. A., Taylor, C., Olmi, D. J., Troughton, L., Dart, E. H., & Weaver, C. M. (in-press) The effect of token economies on student behavior in the preschool classroom: A meta-analysis. Perspectives on Early Childhood Psychology and Education.
  • Lown, E. L., Radley, K. C., Dart, E. H., Dufrene, B. A., Tingstrom, D. H., Hayes, L., & Tannehill, J. (2021). A comparison of real-time and delayed visual performance feedback on teacher praise. Psychology in the Schools, 58(5), 804-817. doi: 10.1002/pits.22469
  • Caregiver training.
  • Emotional and behavioral disorders.
  • Health behaviors.
  • System-wide behavioral supports.
  • Utility of technology in behavioral and academic treatments.
  • American Psychological Association.
  • Association for Behavior Analysis International.
  • National Association of School Psychologists.
  • Nebraska Psychological Association.