University of Nebraska Medical Center

Alice Shillingsburg, PhD, BCBA-D, LP, LBA

Yale Family Endowed Chair
Director, MMI iCASD
Professor, MMI iCASD
Board Certified Behavior Analyst
Licensed Psychologist


Alice Shillingsburg, PhD, BCBA-D, LP, LBA is a professor and Yale Family Endowed Chair at the University of Nebraska Medical Center and director of the integrated Center for Autism Spectrum Disorders at the Munroe-Meyer Institute for Genetics and Rehabilitation.

Shillingsburg received her doctorate in child clinical psychology at Auburn University and completed her APA Accredited doctoral Internship at the Marcus Institute in Atlanta, Georgia. In prior roles, she has served as senor vice president of Children’s Clinical Services and Training at May Institute, director of the Language and Learning Clinic at Marcus Autism Center, and previously held an appointment as associate professor at Emory University School of Medicine in the Department of Pediatrics.

Shillingsburg’s research and clinical interests involve the development and implementation of comprehensive and focused interventions to promote robust, meaningful skill development for children and adolescents diagnosed with autism. Her clinical interests focus heavily on increasing access to high quality, compassionate care serving autistic individuals and their families. Shillingsburg has supervised numerous pre-doctoral and post-doctoral fellows and enjoys mentoring early career researchers and clinicians. She has published over 60 empirical research articles and book chapters, is current editor-in-chief of Operants magazine and is past associate editor for the Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis and The Analysis of Verbal Behavior. She is appointed to several editorial boards and is regularly invited to speak at national conferences.

  • PhD: Clinical Psychology, Auburn University, 2006.
  • MS: Auburn University, 2003.

Specialty Certifications

  • Licensed Psychologist.
  • Board Certified Behavior Analyst.
  • Licensed Behavior Analyst.

Shillingsburg provides patient care services at the UNMC Munroe-Meyer Institute in the integrated Center for Autism Spectrum Disorders.

Clinic Location: Munroe-Meyer Institute
  • Shillingsburg, M. A., Frampton, S. E., Walters, D. S., & Gayman, C. M. (2022). Teaching Joint Attention Skills to Pairs of Children with Autism. Behavioral Interventions. DOI: 10.1002/bin.1864
  • Scahill, L., Shillingsburg, M. A., Ousley, O., Pileggi, M., Kilbourne, R., Buckley, D., Gillespie, S., & McCracken, C. E. (2022). A Randomized Trial of Direct Instruction Language for Learning in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. DOI: 10.1016/j.jaac.2021.11.034
  • Marya, V., Frampton, S., & Shillingsburg, M.A. (2021). Matrix Training to Teach Tacts Using Speech Generating Devices: Replication and Extension. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 54(3), 1235-1250. https://doi.org/10.1002/jaba.819
  • Shillingsburg, M.A., Frampton, S., Juban, B., Weddle, S., & Silva, M. (2021). Implementing an Applied Verbal Behavior Model in Classrooms. Behavioral Interventions. https://doi.org/10.1002/bin.1807
  • Shillingsburg, M. A., Frampton, S., Schenk, Y., Thompson, T., Bartlett, B., & Hansen, B. (2020). Evaluation of a Treatment Package to Increase Mean Length of Utterances for Children with Autism. Behavior Analysis in Practice, 13(3), 659-673. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40617-020-00417-y
  • Shillingsburg, M.A., Hansen, B., & Wright, M. (2019). Rapport-Building and Instructional Fading Prior to Discrete-Trial Instruction: Moving from Child-Led Play to Intensive Teaching. Behavior Modification, 43, 288-306. https://doi.org/10.1177/0145445517751436
  • Clinical Supervisor in Verbal Behavior, Verbal Behavior Special Interest Group, Association for Behavior Analysis International, 2022.
  • Researcher Recognition, Emory Medicine Recognitions Committee, 2016.