University of Nebraska Medical Center

Amy S. Nordness, PhD, CCC-SLP

Robert and Myrna Krohn Family Professor
Director, Munroe-Meyer Institute Clinical Services
Associate Director, Munroe-Meyer Institute
Associate Professor, MMI Department of Speech-Language Pathology
Speech-Language Pathologist


Amy S. Nordness, PhD, CCC-SLP

Amy Nordness, PhD, CCC-SLP, is an associate professor at the University of Nebraska Medical Center. Additionally, Nordness is the Robert and Myrna Krohn Family Professor, the associate director of UNMC's Munroe-Meyer Institute and the director of clinical services for MMI patient care. Nordness also is a speech-language pathologist and continues to provide patient care in MMI's Department of Speech-Language Pathology where she previously served as department director.

Nordness' research and clinical interests involve motor speech disorders and augmentative and alternative communication across the lifespan. Specifically, she is interested in computer supported learning in childhood apraxia of speech, functional communication using augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) devices in children and adults, and speech decline in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Nordness has published numerous papers, posters and journal articles and has provided presentations across the country and internationally.

  • PhD: Communication Disorders, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2011.
  • MS: Speech-Language Pathology, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2001.
  • BS: Speech-Language Pathology, Marquette University, 1998.

Specialty Certifications

  • Nebraska state licensed speech-language pathologist.
  • Iowa state licensed speech-language pathologist.

Nordness provides patient care services at the UNMC Munroe-Meyer Institute's Speech-Language Pathology Department.

Clinic Location: Munroe-Meyer Institute

Publications on PubMed

  • Beukelman, D. R., Nordness, A., & Funk, T. (2022). Dysarthria associated with traumatic brain injury. In K. Hux and C. Dinnes (Eds.), Assisting survivors of traumatic brain injury. The role of speech-language pathologists.(3rd Ed). Austin, TX: PRO-ED, Inc.
  • Ball, L., Nordness, A., & Beukelman, D. R. (2020). Individuals with acquired physical conditions. In D. R. Beukelman, and J. C. Light (Eds.), Augmentative and Alternative Communication: Supporting Children and Adults with Complex Communication Needs, 5th Edition. Baltimore, MD: Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co.
  • Nordness, A. & Beukelman, D. (2017). Supporting patient provider communication across medical settings. Topics in Language Disorders, 37(4), 334-347.
  • Beukelman, D. & Nordness, A. (2017). Patient-provider communication for people with severe dysarthria: referral policies that lead to systems change. Seminars in Speech and Language, 38(3), 239-250.
  • Fager, S. K., Hakel, M., Brady, S., Barlow, S. M., Nordness, A., Delgado, A., et al. (2016). Adult Neurogenic Communication and Swallowing Disorders. In D. X. Cifu (Ed.), Braddom’s Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation. (5th Ed). Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier, Inc.
  • Computer supported learning in childhood apraxia of speech.
  • Functional use of speech generating devices in the community.
  • Improved learning and use of speech generative devices.
  • Nebraska ALS Registry.
  • American Speech-Language Hearing Association.
  • Nebraska Speech-Language-Hearing Association.
  • United States Society for Augmentative and Alternative Communication.
  • National Black Association for Speech-Language and Hearing.