Show UNMC Pride
UNMC is looking to join the University of Nebraska at Omaha, the Huskers and the Union Pacific Railroad Museum -- on the back of your car.
The UNMC license plate design has been approved by the Nebraska Department of Motor Vehicles, but 250 applications are necessary for the state to begin manufacturing the plate.
Each applicant must commit to paying the $70 fee annually for the specialty plates.
Interested? Follow these steps
Step 1 - Request a license plate
Use the button above to show us you're interested in purchasing a UNMC license plate. Before UNMC license plates can be printed, UNMC needs to gather - and submit - 250 applications to the Department of Motor Vehicles. By requesting a plate, you commit to paying the $70 fee for the specialty plate once we obtain 250 requests.
Step 2 - Send your completed application form and payment
After UNMC has received 250 commitments, those who have committed will be emailed with instructions on filling out the appropriate DMV forms. At that time, they will also mail a check to UNMC or submit payment electronically (including a small processing fee). UNMC will then pay the state a lump sum to begin processing the plate.
Step 3 - Pick up your license plate
Once applications have been processed, you will receive a letter from the DMV noting the date your plate will be available for pick up at your county treasurer’s office. This letter also will contain any other license plate fee information specific to your county (if there are fees they will be minimal). The availability of the license plates will be 4 to 6 weeks after your application has been processed.
Frequently Asked Questions
How much will it cost to get a UNMC license plate?
In addition to a $70 specialty plate charge, there may be additional fees. Each county in Nebraska has different fees. Additional fees may include: $6.50 production fee, and/or a $5.50 new/early registration fee. Please contact your County Treasurer’s Office for information related to fees that may be incurred when switching license plates before it is time to renew your registration.
View county contact informationIs the $70 specialty plate charge due again with license plate registration renewal?
Yes, the $70 specialty fee is charged each year that you choose to have a specialty license plate. Each county in Nebraska has different additional fees that may apply. Please contact your County Treasurer’s Office for information related to fees that may be incurred when renewing your registration.
View county contact informationCan I put a personal message on my UNMC license plate?
Messages are not an option on the UNMC plates at this time. The DMV will assign all plates an alpha-numeric license plate number.
What number will I be assigned by the DMV?
The DMV assigns alpha numeric plate numbers in the next available order. Numbers will not be 1-250 but will be in a sequential alpha-numeric order.
I live in Iowa, can I get a UNMC license plate?
Only vehicles registered in Nebraska are eligible for UNMC license plates.
I have more questions
Please visit the DMV website for more information about your current license plate and/or registering a vehicle in Nebraska.
DMV information