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University of Nebraska Medical Center

Search Request

Literature Search

Literature search services are available at no charge to:

  • UNMC, Nebraska Medicine and Children’s Nebraska faculty and staff
  • UNMC students
    • For student class assignments or projects: Make an appointment to work with a librarian or e-mail AskUs with a description of your search efforts so far (please include exact search terms and databases used) and search topic. A librarian will be in contact with advice.
    • For student research endeavors: A librarian can conduct a literature search for the following uses which include, but are not limited to capstone, thesis, dissertation, or grant-supported work.
  • Search Request Form

The average turnaround time for literature requests is within two weekdays (Monday-Friday) of receipt. If you do not receive search results within the two-day timeframe or have other questions, please contact us at

Systematic Review Search

If you are considering a systematic review literature search, please review our Systematic Reviews guide and Description of Services. Systematic review searching is only available to UNMC and affiliated partners.

UNMC Health Information Service

Nebraska residents or patients receiving health care in Nebraska who need health information for their or their family’s health may request service at no charge from the UNMC Health Information Service.