University of Nebraska Medical Center


The McGoogan Health Sciences Library prioritizes information gathering, instruction, and education for students, staff, faculty, and clinicians across our 500-mile Nebraska campus. The library's instruction series, McGoogan Sessions, offers unique topics that highlight resources available for research, educate on best practices in information literacy and academic medicine, and inspire innovation through the lens of health care history.

Health Sciences History Hour, part of the McGoogan Sessions instruction series, is an hour-long session led by archivists and a rare books librarian from McGoogan Library's Robert S. Wigton Department of Special Collections and Archives.

Archived recordings and slides from sessions are available on demand by clicking on the "Archived Recordings" tab.

McGoogan Library Instruction

UNMC's librarians offer instruction on a variety of topics via live or asynchronous, face-to-face, or online formats. Whether you want a short online tutorial, a one-to-one librarian-scholar meeting, a lecture, or a workshop presented within a course, we can help. Contact your liaison librarian, email AskUs, or call 402-559-6221 to request an instruction session on your preferred topic. We require 14 days' notice for class requests and a 24-hour notice for one-to-one librarian instruction sessions.

Classes are offered for UNMC, Nebraska Medicine, and Children's Nebraska affiliates.

Please refer to the list below for ideas of possible classes.

This class will help you navigate the library catalog, specialty databases, and repositories to reach full-text articles and books.

Learn how to use the free Zotero citation management tool for your thesis, dissertation, or other publication. Related Research Guide: Zotero Tips and Training

Request a free copy of EndNote, then attend this class. Learn how to import references directly from database search results, create and share groups of references with other EndNote users, and use 'Cite While You Write' to embed preformatted citations into your manuscript. Related Research Guide: EndNote

Get acquainted with the world's largest biomedical literature database. Learn how to conduct efficient searches, create search alerts to keep you informed on newly published research, connect to full-text articles, and request items not held at your organization. Related Research Guide: Searching Techniques

This research-focused search engine is one you should have in your research toolbox. Learn how to customize it to connect with your organization's collection, efficiently search and share results, and how to set up search alerts. Related Research Guide: Google Scholar Settings for UNMC & Children’s Hospital

Learn how to determine if a work is copyrighted and how to evaluate the permissible use of copyrighted works. Related Research Guide: Copyright & Plagiarism

Learn how to use Scopus and Google Scholar to identify and manage your research impact. Explore ORCID and DigitalCommons and how they can connect you with future collaborators. Related Research Guide: Author Toolkit: Maximize Research Impact

Led by experts in the Robert S. Wigton Department of Special Collections and Archives, this class introduces the breadth and depth of historical items located in the collection. You will learn how to search for historical materials, what procedures you need to follow to view materials in person, and tips on utilizing primary resources in research and education. Related website: Special Collections and Archives

Learn about the services and tools available in the Jim and Karen Linder Maker Studio, and how you can put them to use for your clinical and educational projects. Topics covered include safety requirements, local options for UNMC campuses, and online resources. Related Research Guide: Maker Studio

Get acquainted CINAHL, tailored to the information needs of Nursing and Allied Health professions. Learn how to conduct efficient searches, create search alerts to keep you informed on newly published research, connect to full-text, and request items not held at your organization. Learn how this database relates to the mental health and psychiatry database, PsycInfo, and other databases. Related Research Guide: Searching Techniques

Learn about experiences of illness and health through the art of graphic medicine, which is the intersection between comics and the discourse of health. Participants will be introduced to the health care experiences of patients, patient families, and health care providers through graphic pathographies. They will practice creative exercises to help deepen their empathy and understanding in this innovative format. Related Research Guide: Graphic Medicine