University of Nebraska Medical Center


Entrance area of library with digital signing

Library faculty and staff members want to help you accomplish your goals effectively and efficiently.

Do you need help accessing or using an information resource, searching the literature, citing resources, writing a report, disseminating your poster or manuscript, or prototyping a new instrument? Do you want training or want your students to receive training related to one of these goals? If so, we have a service that will be useful to you.
Need help obtaining a specific article?
Contact AskUs by e-mail, phone, or chat if you need assistance accessing a library licensed article or resource.
If the library does not own an article or book, request the article through our interlibrary loan service.
Need health information for you or a family member

For health information to help deal with an illness or make healthcare decisions, submit a request to the UNMC Health Information Service. This service provides customized packets of information in response to requests from residents of the state of Nebraska and those persons receiving healthcare in Nebraska.

Need help searching medical literature?

To learn more about searching the literature on your own, schedule a consultation with one of our Education & Research Services Librarians.

To obtain a list of journal articles that address a patient-care-related, quality improvement, or research-related question, request a search through our literature search service.

Need help with a systematic review?
Find a librarian collaborator to perform the searches for your systematic review project by requesting a meeting with a member of our systematic review team.
Need help finding historical information?
For questions related to the history of medicine or UNMC's history, email history@unmc.edu, our Special Collections & Archives librarians.
Need help working on a writing assignment, cover letter, CV, or dissertation?
Consider using Grammarly, Paperpal, Quillbot, and LanguageTool, or for personal interaction, make an appointment to meet with one of the writing tutors from the Writing Center @UNMC.
Want to streamline the process of inserting in-text citations and creating bibliographies?
Request EndNote or create a RefWorks account through UNMC's license and then make an appointment to meet with an Education & Research Services Librarian for one-on-one training.
Want to increase the impact of your research posters and publications or your teaching materials?
Consider adding your posters and publications to DigitalCommons@UNMC. Email digitalcommons@unmc.edu for more information.
Want to prototype a new surgical instrument, create a heart model, or print a plastic replacement part?
Contact our technology staff for 3-D printing or submit your request for a 3-D print.
Want your class to learn to use the library?
Our librarians are happy to offer large group, small group and one-on-one instruction in areas such as: using an information resource, searching the literature, using a citation manager, increasing their research impact, or using the 3-D printer?  Contact your liaison librarian for more information. 
For any library-related question

Contact AskUs via phone, e-mail or chat.

Want to tour the library?
Complete the tour request form and explore the library with a guided tour.