Thesis and Dissertation Services
Bindery and DigitalCommons Information
Shipment Dates
Shipments to the bindery vendor occur four times per year. Copies must be received by the following dates in order to be included in a shipment. Copies received after a date will be sent with the next shipment. Please note that if using UNMC Printing Services, there is a five day turnaround time.
- January 15
- April 15
- June 15
- September 15
For student wishing for more features on their bindery order, we recommend working directly with our vendor. Library prices do not apply.
On campus bindery steps for students
- Utilize a copying company to print the number of paper copies to be bound. Ensure the company prints manuscript single-sided on high quality paper. Students have the option of utilizing UNMC Printing Services for these copies and have them delivered directly to the library, attention of Durrett Winter. The online ordering form includes thesis and dissertation specific printing requirements in the New Orders > Printing Orders drop-down menu. If not paying with a cost center, call Printing Services at 402-559-4282 with a credit card number or visit them at 601 South Saddle Creek Road to pay in cash. Please note Printing Services has a five day turnaround time. If not using Printing Services, deliver the copies to the library's AskUs Desk on the 6th level of the library.
- Next, to request binding of these copies, go to the online ordering and payment form to enter your information, to include binding and font color. If you would like to see the binding color swatches in person, contact Durrett Winter at to arrange a time.
- Pay $25 per copy, with an additional $10 flat rate for the whole shipment to be mailed to you.
- UNMC cost center payment is available.
- Mail the copies to the library (Attention of Durrett Winter, campus mail zip 6705 or USPS at McGoogan Library, 986705 Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha NE 68198-6705).
- When the bound copies are returned from the bindery, the requestor will be contacted.
Long distance bindery steps for students not currently/no longer on campus
- Utilize a copying company to print the number of paper copies to be bound. Ensure the company prints manuscript single-sided on high quality paper. Students have the option of utilizing UNMC Printing Services for these copies and have them delivered directly to the library, attention of Durrett Winter. The online ordering form includes thesis and dissertation specific printing requirements in the New Orders > Printing Orders drop-down menu. If not paying with a cost center, call Printing Services at 402-559-4282 with a credit card number or visit them at 601 South Saddle Creek Road to pay in cash. Please note Printing Services has a five day turnaround time. If not using Printing Services, mail the copies to the library, care of Durrett Winter at 986705 Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha NE 68198-6705.
- Next, to request binding of these copies, go to the online ordering and payment form to enter your information, to include binding and font color.
- Pay $25 per copy, with an additional $10 flat rate for the whole shipment to be mailed to you.
- UNMC cost center payment is available.
- Mail the copies to the library (Attention of Durrett Winter, campus mail zip 6705 or USPS at McGoogan Library, 986705 Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha NE 68198-6705).
- When the bound copies are returned from the bindery, they will be shipped to the address provided in the ordering form.
Email for questions.
Theses and dissertations are submitted to DigitalCommons@UNMC as a requirement for graduation. Instructions for submission and the optional binding of a manuscript are in the next section.
Before submitting, please read all relevant policies and/or submission guidelines. This process does not include binding of the manuscript.
The submission process consists of the following steps:
Some reasons to request an embargo include:
Before submitting, please read all relevant policies and/or submission guidelines. This process does not include binding of the manuscript.
The submission process consists of the following steps:
- Read and accept the Submission Agreement
- Provide information about the manuscript
- Upload the digital file and any associated files
- The manuscript title
- The abstract
- A list of keywords
- A PDF file of the manuscript
- Digital copies of copyright permissions (to be uploaded as Additional Files)
Submission Instructions
- Once the manuscript has been finalized, go to the Digital Commons theses and dissertations site and click on the Submit Your Work link, located on the lower right-hand menu bar.
- Though logging in with a UNMC Net ID is possible, it is recommended that graduates create a new account and enter their personal email address in order to receive monthly usage reports and access to the author dashboard for additional analytics. Confirmation of the new account is made from an email sent to the registered email address.
- Once confirmed, read and accept the Submission Agreement.
- Next, enter the required information into the form. (graduation date, title, ORCID ID, keywords, advisor(s), abstract, etc.)
- Upload the PDF at the bottom of the form. Additional files can be uploaded by checking the corresponding box. After submitting the form, these files can be uploaded. These files could include any copyright permissions obtained, images, audio, video, animations, simulations, etc. The library will be notified of the submission via email and will post to DigitalCommons after reviewing. Graduate Studies will also receive that email notification for graduation requirement purposes.
Embargoes & Restrictions
An embargo is a delayed release of information. Students should discuss embargoes with their advisors. If embargoed, a manuscript cannot be downloaded until the embargo is lifted, though the record information and abstract will be accessible. The embargo begins the date of submission.Some reasons to request an embargo include:
- There may be patentable rights or sensitive data in the work or other issues.
- There is an ethical need to prevent disclosure of sensitive information about persons, institutions, etc.
Email for questions.