Inclusion and Belonging

The McGoogan Health Sciences Library recognizes inclusion and belonging as core values integral to achieving our mission to connect the past, inform the present, and build the future. Our commitment incorporates the University of Nebraska Medical Center Strategic Goals for inclusion and belonging: "Ensure that UNMC is a welcoming organization in its mission of transforming lives through preeminent education, innovative research, and extraordinary clinical care.”
We strive to promote the value and importance of inclusion and belonging and adhere to the principles and practices of inclusion and belonging among our spaces, collections, services, and personnel.
- We balance access to and ownership of information resources that offer the broadest possible range of viewpoints.
- We offer collections, programming, exhibits, research assistance, and consumer health services that promote inclusion and belonging for the UNMC community and beyond.
- We ensure that our students, faculty, and staff have equitable access to our resources.
- We use inclusive instruction and research practices to achieve excellence in education, research, and patient care through information.
- We promote inclusion and belonging in our staff by recognizing contributions and unique talents, encouraging personal and professional growth, and practicing restorative communication.
- We actively participate in collaborative efforts with campus and community partnerships.