University of Nebraska Medical Center

Volunteer Opportunities

Library staff holding pamphlet from the archives collection

McGoogan Library offers unpaid volunteer opportunities on a quarterly basis. Current volunteers may retain their appointments for longer periods if projects are available.


  • Commitment of a minimum of 16 hours per month
  • Ability to pass a background check
  • Must be at least 16 years of age

What to Expect

Volunteers interested in working in Special Collections and Archives will be assigned projects that could include any of the following types of activities:

Types of activities: inventory, rehousing artifacts, creating finding aids and/or data entry for university archives, rare books, historical artifacts and/or artwork

Goals and outcomes: make artifacts more accessible to the public, provide more depth to the exhibition program and preserve historical knowledge for future generations

Types of activities: scanning and metadata creation for documents, images, negatives, slides, bound books, etc. from processed archival collections

Goals and outcomes: enhance public access to collections and ensure preservation of historic materials through creation of a digital surrogate

Types of activities: inventory, refoldering collections, creating finding aids, metadata creation and/or data entry into ArchiveSpace or Preservica databases

Goals and outcomes: make archives more accessible to the public, provide more depth to the exhibition program and preserve historical knowledge for future generations

Types of activities: investigate provenance of objects, provide research support for oral history interviews, curate small rotating displays in the Wigton Heritage Center or the McGoogan Library, curate digital exhibitions

Goals and outcomes: produce written documents, whether a research paper, catalog record, exhibit text, archival finding aids or audience analysis

How to Apply

Individuals interested in applying for a volunteer opportunity should email Carrie Meyer, Associate Professor, Associate Dean, Robert S. Wigton Department of Special Collections and Archives.

Application and Processes Deadlines

  January–March April–June July–September October–December
Application period Rolling submissions and review Rolling submissions and review Rolling submissions and review Rolling submissions and review
Interviews and selection November February May August
UNMC HR processes and background check December March June September
Start date January 1 April 1 July 1 October 1
End date March 31 June 30 September 30 December 31
Hours per month 16-30 hours 16-30 hours 16-30 hours 16-30 hours
Total hours per quarter 48-90 hours 48-90 hours 48-90 hours 48-90 hours
Application and Processes Deadlines