
Title: “The Gift of
Location: PADI clinic, Ibulanku outside Iganga, Uganda
Submitted by Cassie Cash
Category: Student/Resident
8-year-old Muslim boy was found here waiting for his mother who was
being counseled about HIV/AIDS. Upon closer examination, it was noticed
that he was blind as a result of congenital cataracts. During out trip,
he received corrective surgery and is now able to see. He is seen here
in traditional Muslim attire.” |
Title: "Wonders of Water"
Location: Lawrence, Kansas
Submitted by Susan Mendez-Eastman
Category: Faculty/Staff
one-year-old experiencing the wonders of a water fountain. The
wonderment seen on the face of a child when experiencing the cool,
refreshing, exciting properties of water is cross-cultural. Whether it
be in a creek, ocean, pool, or bath, children are amazed by the wonders
of water.” |

Title: "The Streets of Delhi"
Location: Delhi, India
Submitted by Aishwarya Prakash
Category: Student/Resident
“A busy
street in central Old Delhi displaying houses, vendors of fruit, people
going about their daily activities, cars, cycles, rickshaws and, of
course, a camel transporting heavy goods looking like the typical “ship
of the desert.” This picture was taken from a car I was in because it
was just fascinating but no one else seemed to care about the camel in
the middle of the street!” |

"One More Step"
Location: Paris, France
Submitted by Caroline Helmberger
Category: Faculty/StaffDescription:
“This is a
photo of the stairs coming down from the top of Notre Dame Cathedral. It
illustrates to me the innumerable number of people who have walked these
steps before me and those who will walk them after me. I think it’s
amazing all of the cultures and backgrounds who have walked these
steps.” |

Title: "The Beautiful Konkan Coast, India"
Location: Ganpatipule, MH, India
Submitted by Avadhut Joshi
Category: Student/ResidentDescription:
“This picture
is taken at Ganpatipule, a religious place for Hindus and also a tourist
place. Ganpatipule is located along the Konkan coast in the state of
Maharashhra, India. Konkan is known as the ‘California of India’ for its
evergreen beauty.” |

Title: "The Kids on Slider Hill"
Location: San Jose, Costa Rica
Submitted by Betsy Buschkemper
Category: Faculty/StaffDescription:
“There is no
snow in Costa Rica, and only one concrete sidewalk in the barrio, but
the kids there make the most of it. They love sliding down this steep
hill on home-made “sleds” of old buckets, plastic lids, and crates. Kids
are kids wherever you go.” |

Title: "The
Location: Oaxaca, Oaxaca Mexico
Submitted by Chelsie Lammers
Category: Student/Resident
“I loved all
the colors and activity that surrounds this picture.” |

Title: "Baozi Maker"
Location: Pengzhou, China
Submitted by Kate Turner
Category: Faculty/StaffDescription:
“A shopkeeper
in Pengzhou rises early to prepare breakfast near campus. Soon, a line
of students and teachers will form to purchase fresh baozi and mantou –
steamed breads stuffed with meat and vegetables.” |

Title: "Travel through the Andes Mountains"
Location: Andes Mountains, Chile
Submitted by Jaclyn Schuurmans
Category: Student/Resident
“This photo
captures our view from the top of the Andes Mountains, which we had to
cross to enter Chile from Argentina. This view aroused a variety of
feelings including fear, excitement, nausea and amazement. An experience
I will never forget.” |

Title: "No Contraception"
Location: Giron, Santander Colombia
Submitted by Alonso Osorio
Category: Faculty/StaffDescription:
taken in my rural service year; an example of socio-economical
deprivation and the need to procreate without the knowledge of
contraception options in a severe level of poverty. We visited small
rural underserved communities.” |

Title: "No Boundaries"
Location: Maui, Hawaii
Submitted by Jodie Javorsky
Category: Student/Resident
“This picture
was taken in the Garden of Eden during our trip to Maui last year. It
seemed to perfectly capture the moment. I would soon be embarking on my
final year of study and had an endless vision of what the future would
hold.” |

“Matriarch of the Nomadic tribe”
Location: Kashmir, India
Submitted by Javed Iqbal Sofi
Category: Faculty/Staff
traveling from Phalgam (valley of shepherds) to Aaroo, I came across
this nomadic tribe (called Gujars). Here the matriarch (elderly lady)
and her daughter-in-law are resting outside their cattle from the
mountain top to a meadow below.” |

"Happy Birthday"
Location: Seoul, Korea
Submitted by Joshua Sappenfield
Category: Student/ResidentDescription:
celebrations are big in Korea. We drove an hour and a half to meet the
rest of the extended family. We all went out to a big barbeque and came
back to their home to sing Happy Birthday. Although the tune wasn’t
familiar, the cake was. Watermelon is the traditional desert.” |

Title: "Jamaican Salesman"
Location: Montego Bay, Jamaica
Submitted by Laura Bashus
Category: Faculty/StaffDescription:
trying to sell their wares are sometimes driven to desperate measures to
reach customers. This gentleman reached swimmers by taking goods just
outside the hotel water boundaries. Salesmanship is alive everywhere;
especially in countries where goods are inexpensively sold and a few
dollars mean much to the salesman.” |

Title: "Asian Market Unrest"
Location: Bangkok Market, Thailand in Summer 2004
Submitted by Magda Peck
Category: Faculty/Staff
“The market stretched for blocks under multicolored canopies:
a never-ending noisy maze of alleyways full of people and smells and
Until midday, when a thick wet heat blankets the stalls.
There is no breeze, just sweat. Everything, everyone simply stops.
Can a body folded in upon itself truly find rest?” |

Title: "Friendship
is a Voyage"
Pondicherry, India
Submitted by
Kurinji Singaravelu
Category: Student/Resident Description:
“This photo
was taken during one of our outings. The place is the shores of the Bay
of Bengal.” |

Title: "Anshong Village Man"
Location: Anshong, China
Submitted by Margaret Schorn
Category: Faculty/StaffDescription:
the afternoon, the men of the village would get together to tell
stories.” |

Title: "Wet
Toes, Hot Tea"
Island near confluence of Chilka Lake and Bay of Bengal
Submitted by
Manjori Ganguly
Category: Student/Resident Description:
“The solitary
tea-shop built of trees and palm leaves so close to the shore on a
deserted island grabbed my attention. As we sipped hot tea inside the
shop, the rushing waves wet our toes. The nonchalance of the boy
preparing tea in ankle-deep water was quite remarkable.” |

Title: "1st Halloween"
Location: Nebraska Farm
Submitted by Ronald Shikiya
Category: Student/Resident
is a girl from Afghanistan who just came to the States. The next day,
she went to a hayrack ride on a Nebraska farm, pumpkin carving and
having fun.” |

Title: "Desnudito"
Location: Dominican Republic, Batey Contador
Submitted by Mark Hare
Category: Student/Resident Description:
“This little
guy was chosen tour guide during my summer in Batey Contador. His smile
was contagious. His favorite thing was to show me where the young boys
go to swim and to catch fish when the rations from the company ran low.
Unfortunately, his least favorite thing was to wear clothes or shoes.” |

Title: "Turkey
Oaxaca, Oaxaca Mexico
Submitted by Chelsie Lammers
Category: Student/Resident
“We were
shopping in a market when I spotted this woman waiting for the rest of
her family with her “turkey in a bag” at her feet.” |
Title: "O
Romeo, Romeo! Wherefore art thou Romeo?"
Location: The Louvre in Paris, France
Submitted by
Michael Sather
Category: Student/Resident
“Outside the
Musée du Louvre in Paris sat this Shakespearean poet who was statuesque.
This photo signifies the various arts which are important to French
culture. In the background is the Louvre filled with artwork, this
individual is dressed as a poet, he is acting on his stage.”

Title: "Innocence"
Location: Managua, Nicaragua
Submitted by Shawn Skaife
Category: Student/Resident
waiting for a classmate to finish a survey, I chatted with a few local
kids and their parents. The entire family was remarkably humble, and I
think this came across well in the photo.” |
Title: "Business as Usual"
Location: Araku Valley, Andhra Pradesh, India (August, 2004)
Submitted by Subhankar Chakraborty
Category: Student/Resident
photograph, taken in the picturesque Araku Valley, shows the women of a
tribal village busy in their daily chores (here shown washing clothes
and filling drinking water from tube wells). In spite of lack of several
basic amenities, these women seemed contented with their peaceful
existence.” |

Title: "Tears
of Sunshine"
Rabat, Morocco
Submitted by
Susan Basheer
Category: Student/Resident
“This picture
was taken while shopping with a friend in old ‘Medina’ in Morocco
(Summer 2005). We noticed the two men and their sad expressions. It
seemed that most Moroccans have the expression of sorrow, but deep
inside, they do have some happiness (represented by the sunlight shining
through).” |
Title: "The
Dominican Republic
Submitted by
Timothy Royal
Category: Student/Resident
“This was
taken at a local gathering in a small village in the Dominican Republic.
My goal by taking it was to try to capture some of the culture and
passion for dancing. I failed to do it justice, but it refreshes
memories.” |

Title: "Camel
Location: Petra, Jordan
Submitted by
Oluyemisi Odugbesan
Category: Student/Resident
is me on top of a camel, I thought it was going to be gentler than a
horse ride. boy was I wrong. but after doing so much walking to get into
the ancient city of Petra, at 6 months pregnant I was ready to ride just
about anything.” |
Title: "Girl
of Managua"
Location: Managua, Nicaragua
Submitted by Shawn Skaife
Category: Student/Resident
through a barrio of Managua, a friend asked this young girl for a photo.
I liked the fact that the girl’s expression remained unchanged in front
of the camera, despite the presence of camera-toting foreigners.” |