Trainee / Student Research
The Department of Internal Medicine has research projects that cover a broad range of topics.
Areas of studies range from basic research into the mechanisms of human diseases, to clinical investigations evaluating various aspects of treatments. Our programs are for medical students as well as residents and fellows.Internal Medicine Trainee Scholarly Activity
The UNMC Department of Internal Medicine's residents and fellows are supported by our faculty and involved in scholarly activity throughout their training.
Read more about our trainee's scholarly activity
Research Assistance from the College of Medicine
The UNMC College of Medicine offers resources to facilitate the involvement of UNMC residents and fellows in research areas of patient safety, quality improvement, health equity and education research.
Read more and get research assistance
Summer Undergraduate Opportunities
In the Summer Undergraduate Research Program and Summer Undergraduate Alcohol Research Program, students will interact with faculty members and researchers in the laboratory or clinical setting throughout the project.
Read more and apply for SURP and SUARP
Poster Sessions
The department also supports research with our resident and fellowship programs by encouraging participation in poster sessions, including an annual poster symposium hosted by the UNMC GME Office.