Resident Life and Wellness
Find out what life is like as an Internal Medicine resident.
Our Internal Medicine and Internal Medicine-Pediatrics residents find plenty of social outlets, including events for residents, wellness groups, intramural sports, tickets to sporting and performing arts events, and a focus on wellness.
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- Number 1 Best Metro Area for Millennials, 2018 Fortune
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And we hope you like to eat: Why Omaha, Nebraska, Might Be the Best Place to Eat in America Right Now, according to Livability.

Coneflower Creamery, a few blocks from campus in the Blackstone District, is a favorite among residents.

The Med-Peds Holiday/Post Recruitment Party at Rathskellar Bier Haus.

Internal Medicine and Med-Peds residents enjoy a night out.

Another trip to Coneflower Creamery for Internal Medicine and Med-Peds residents.

Internal Medicine residents celebrate their first month.
Resident Wellness
Through a focus on wellness – both at the university level and at the residency program level – our residents don’t just survive residency. They thrive and feel prepared for their future medical careers.
Developing Resiliency, Coping Skills
Structured wellness curricula through the residency programs and the Office of Graduate Medical Education help to ensure that residents are fulfilled in their work; develop resiliency and skills for coping with difficult patient encounters, long work hours, and challenging situations; and are able to balance work and outside relationships and passions.
The Internal Medicine Residency Wellness Council seeks to build camaraderie and cohesiveness, providing social events, networking sessions, mentorship, and interactive conferences to promote individual wellness, at work and home. Guided by the eight domains of wellness, this active group is able to respond to current resident needs and provide support during training.
Monthly Noon Wellness conferences
Topics include:
- Biopsychosocial goal setting
- Physical wellbeing
- Emotional health, burnout, and resilience
- Social relationships including family, partner, and colleague
- Spiritual wellbeing
- Financial health and managing finance-related stressors
- Professional wellbeing
- Second victim
- Improving efficiency
Resident Chronicles
These bi-monthly debriefing sessions with select faculty provide a confidential outlet to discuss the stressors, successes and pitfalls across our medical training
Class Retreats
Protected retreats each year to help guide you in each level of your training to get the most out of your residency
Half Days
Wellness half days twice a year provide residents the opportunity to schedule doctor appointments, meetings, etc.
Weekly Wellness Messages
Celebrations and Treats
Doughnuts or treats halfway through each month, plus monthly birthday cupcakes or cakes.
Significant Others Group
A group for spouses, partners, family and friends of residents, working to build community.
Buddy Groups
Groups to link residents of all classes.
In addition to the resources and opportunities available to Internal Medicine residents, Med-Peds residents are offered:
- Med-Peds Wellness Week
- Annual wellness presentation at med-peds monthly conference
- “Burn Out” survey and check-in at six-month evaluations with program director or assistant program director
- Wellness discussion and check-in every other month during continuity clinic
- Annual financial lecture to assist residents in their financial health
- Centrally located House Officers Wellness lounge with food and drinks, conference room, computers and workspace, yoga room, lactation room, meditation room, showers and exercise equipment
- Daily $8 on meal cards (can be used at cafeteria, Starbucks or convenience store)
- Preferential parking for house officers
- Free fitness facility options
- House Officer Assistance Program, a cost-free, confidential program available to all UNMC House Officers and their partners who are experiencing work and personal life stressors
- Picnics and social events
More Support
Our residents and faculty have created an environment that fosters wellness and a healthy and supportive learning environment. Some elements are:
- Informal hangouts with residents and significant others
- Backyard barbecues, game nights, dinners/drinks, and outings
- Group message chats, which serve as a way to get resident feedback, get quick answers to questions and to make your co-residents laugh
- Celebration of birthdays, babies, weddings and engagements
Faculty members also are a consistent support, including clinic preceptors, program faculty members and program coordinators. These people will grow to know you well and will support your emotional and professional growth.

House Officers Wellness Lounge
A 1,900-square-foot wellness lounge open to all UNMC house officers features food and drinks, treadmills, yoga room, lactation room, meditation room, showers, conference room and computer workstations.