University of Nebraska Medical Center

Claire Schmitz, MD

House Officer III

Claire Schmitz, MD

Claire Schmitz

Omaha, NE

Where did you go for Undergraduate and Medical School?
Washington University in St. Louis and UNMC

Career aspirations:
General Internal Medicine, both inpatient and outpatient/primary care. I'm also interested in pursuing Geriatrics.

What was your first job?
Lifeguard at the YMCA

What is the furthest you've traveled from Omaha?
High school Latin trip to Italy and Greece!

If you couldn't work in medicine, what would you do?
Public health

Best thing to do in Nebraska if you only had one day?
Bike the Big Papio Trail to Approach Climbing Gym, then follow up climbing with a Blizzard at Dairy Queen or boba tea at the Tea Smith!

Scholarly Activity

Poster Presentation - NE SHM Conference 3/2023 Improving Safety Through Accurate and Patient-centered Insulin Discharge Instructions; 3/5/2023
Senior Seminar Epilepsy for the PCP!; 2/14/2024