University of Nebraska Medical Center

Laura Flores, MD

House Officer I

Laura Flores, MD


Las Cruces, New Mexico

Where did you go for undergraduate and medical school?

New Mexico State University and University of Nebraska Medical Center

Career aspirations:

Radiation Oncologist

What was your first job?

Starbucks Barista

What is the furthest you've traveled from Omaha?

Berlin, Germany or Bologna, Italy. To be honest, geography has never been my strong suit.

If you couldn't work in medicine, what would you do?

I think I would have loved to be a zookeeper, a wildlife photographer or a philosopher, in no particular order!

Best thing to do in Nebraska if you only had one day?

Pilates in the morning, followed by a stroll through the zoo in the afternoon, dinner at Plank in the Old Market followed by a scoop of ice cream at Coneflower.