
Overall Goals & Objectives:
Graded Supervision
Residents gain increasing responsibilities and autonomy as they progress in their training.
Patient Continuity
Patients on wards stay under the care of the team that admits them.
Schedules are manually crafted to ensure balance between busier and lighter rotations as well as balance between rotations and continuity clinic.
Real-World Preparation
Diversity of patients, clinical experiences, and training modalities prepares our residents to be ready for independent practice as medicine continues to evolve.
Residents work with and learn from a strong interdisciplinary team in both inpatient and outpatient settings.
Individualization of Training
Residents may customize educational activities and clinical experiences to prepare them for their intended career after residency.

POCUS Training
The point-of-care ultrasound curriculum teaches skills in cardiac, pulmonary, abdominal, soft tissue, and procedure ultrasound imaging.