University of Nebraska Medical Center


Our fellowship provides benefits in addition to what is offered to all UNMC residents and fellows through the UNMC Graduate Medical Education office.

GME Salaries and Benefits

Nephrology Fellowship Benefits

  • Relocation assistance up to $1,000 for your move to Omaha
  • Assigned nephrology nurse to assist and minimize the administrative burden
  • Reserved POCUS equipment for fellows with iPad
  • Educational benefits and national meetings
  • $300 annual education stipend (used for any educational related expense)
  • ASN membership
  • Access to ASN KSAP board review question bank
  • Free access to ASN board review course and update
  • Travel, lodging, meals and registration to attend national meetings
    • First year: NKF Spring Clinical Meeting
    • Second year: ASN Kidney Week and Home Dialysis University
  • UpToDate access
  • Nephrology division parties
  • The following six text books:
    • Clinical Physiology of Acid-Base and Electrolyte Disorders by Burton David Rose and Theodore W. Post
    • Comprehensive Clinical Nephrology by John Feehally, Jurgen Floege, Marcello Tonelli and Richard J. Johnson
    • National Kidney Foundation's Primer on Kidney Diseases by Scott J. Gilbert and Daniel E. Weiner
    • Handbook of Kidney Dialysis by John T. Daugirdes, Peter G. Blake and Todd S. Ing
    • Handbook of Kidney Transplantation by Gabriel M. Danovitch
    • Handbook of Peritoneal Dialysis by Steven Guest