University of Nebraska Medical Center


Our accredited two-year fellowship program is designed to give fellows wide exposure to the practice of both clinical infectious diseases and research techniques in infectious diseases.

Successful trainees will be prepared to pass the ABIM exam to become board-certified in infectious diseases.

The first year of fellowship focuses on acquiring clinical proficiency in both inpatient and outpatient aspects of care. The second year is increasingly focused on research activities with continued training in managing continuity of care in the outpatient setting and infectious disease electives. An optional third year of training better prepares the fellow for a career as a lifelong learner by expanding upon productive and independent research. 

Year One
  • Clinical Microbiology (one month)
  • General Infectious Disease Service (five months)
  • Orthopedic Infectious Disease Service (one month)
  • Transplant and Oncology Infectious Disease Services (three months)
  • Research (two months)
Year Two
  • General and Orthopedic Infectious Disease Service (two months)
  • Transplant and Oncology Infectious Disease Services (three months)
  • Electives (two to four months) – includes required Infection Control/Antimicrobial Stewardship and Outpatient Infectious Disease one-month rotations
  • Research (four to six months)
Year Three
  • Optional Opportunities
    • Antimicrobial Stewardship
    • Infectious Diseases Basic Science
    • Oncology Infectious Diseases
    • Solid Organ Transplant Infectious Diseases
    • Orthopedic Infectious Diseases
    • Infection Control
Ambulatory Experience

UNMC Specialty Care Clinic: Continuity experience in the care of HIV patients for first two years of fellowship.

General Infectious Disease Clinic: General infectious diseases clinic attended for one year.

STD, Viral Hepatitis, Non-tuberculous Mycobacterial Infections, Wound Care, Cystic Fibrosis, Dermatology, Orthopedic ID Clinic, Oncology ID and Transplant ID: Experience provided during outpatient infectious diseases month.

Conference Schedule

Case Conference: Fellows participate in a weekly city-wide infectious disease case conference attended by infectious disease, microbiology, pharmacy, and pathology clinicians. Fellows are expected to present a case and literature review monthly at this conference.

Journal Club: General infectious disease journal club and a Healthcare Epidemiology/Antimicrobial Stewardship journal club meet monthly and fellows are expected to attend and present.

Core Curriculum: A weekly core conference series covering the spectrum of Infectious Disease problems and basic science background is provided.

Research Conference: This monthly conference provides a venue for infectious disease fellows to develop awareness of ongoing local projects and provides a place for them to present their research work in a collegial and helpful environment.

Board Review: Bi-monthly conference where faculty review high yield topics with fellows using board style questions.

A sample conference schedule is provided below.

Infection Control and Antimicrobial Stewardship Training

Infection Control and Antimicrobial Stewardship Training:
Fellows have a month rotation in infection control and antimicrobial stewardship. During this rotation fellows receive didactic training and practical experience in healthcare epidemiology and antimicrobial stewardship.

Biopreparedness Training:
Fellows have a dedicated week of didactic and hands-on experience in the management and control of high-risk pathogens.

Sample Rotation Schedule by Year

There is flexibility in scheduling elective and research time and rotations will be based on fellow interest and preference as able. Elective months may include additional time in oncology, transplant, orthopedic, community, pediatric infectious diseases, antibiotic stewardship/infection control, or other pre-approved rotations.

Month Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
July Microbiology Transplant Research
August General General Elective
September Oncology Research Research
October Community AS/IC Research
November General Outpatient Research
December Orthopedic Research Research
January Research Research Elective
February General Orthopedic General
March Oncology Transplant Research
April Research Research Elective
May General Oncology Research
June Transplant Research Research

Sample Conference Schedule

All conferences are held at 12 pm CST except Case Conference, which is offered at 8 am CST.

Day of the Week Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4
Monday Open Board Review Open Board Review
Tuesday Research Conference HIV Roundtable ID Journal Club HIV Roundtable
Wednesday IC/ASP Journal Club Open Open Infection Control Committee
Thursday Case Conference / Core Lecture Open Case Conference / Core Lecture Open
Friday Grand Rounds Grand Rounds Grand Rounds Grand Rounds