Education and Training

Our division works to educate learners in small groups and in lectures through a unique case-based approach that was developed at UNMC and provides students with an extra dose of discussion, inquiry and simulated diagnosis.
The method, developed by the late LeeRoy E. Meyer, MD, a dedicated physician and extraordinary educator at UNMC, has become standard practice at UNMC as well as medical schools throughout the country. Dr. Meyer won the American Medical Student Association Golden Apple teaching award 26 times. In 1995, Dr. Meyer became one of only a handful of educators to be named to the Golden Apple Hall of Fame, affording him lifetime recognition.
At UNMC, this educational method is carried on today by Dr. J Scott Neumeister, Dr. Nate Anderson and Dr. Jennifer Parker, all of whom have been honored with several Gold Apple teaching awards. Their work routinely earns the Internal Medicine Clerkship the highest ratings from the Phase 2 students.
The vast majority of general internal medicine faculty also serve as clinical educators of students at all phases of training and staff the Midtown Clinic, the resident-run continuity clinic.
The Health Educators and Academic Learners (HEAL) program is an interdisciplinary health educator track developed by general internal medicine faculty member Dr. Cory Rohlfsen and his team.