Paustian IBD Center Faculty & Staff
The IBD Center is staffed by four gastroenterologists and three colorectal surgeons who have clinic hours in the center alongside each other. Our team also includes two IBD nurse case managers, one registered dietician, one specialty pharmacist, one gastropsychologist, two medical assistants and two medical receptionists. Sponsored- and investigator-initiated studies are supported by a divisional research group consisting of a regulatory specialist and three full-time research nurses.
Paustian Center Director

Paustian Center Physician

Paustian Center Physician

Paustian Center Surgical Director

Paustian Center Surgeon

Paustian Center Surgeon

Paustian Center Surgeon

Paustian Center Research Faculty

Paustian Center Research Faculty

Paustian Center Research Faculty

Advanced Practice Providers
Paustian Center APP

Paustian Center APP

Additional Specialists
Clinical Nutrition/Nutrition Special Service Therapist

Clinical Psychologist

Retail/Specialty Pharmacist