Our Research
Research is a key focus of the Paustian Inflammatory Bowel Disease Center.
Learn more about our research activities and how we are working to improve the lives of IBD patients now and in the future.
Categories of Our Research
Investigators in the PIBDC study whether new medications, medical devices and procedures, and diagnostic tests are effective in IBD patients. Some of these studies are clinical trials sponsored by drug companies to test new medications prior to approval by the FDA. Some of these studies use surveys, health services research and public databases to explore questions about IBD that aim to improve IBD management.
Investigators in the PIBDC enroll human subjects in studies to test how basic research findings (a new gene and its effects) are reflected in human disease. This serves as a bridge between basic and clinical research by judging how factors at play in isolated cell and animal models could have relevance for IBD and provide support for designing clinical trials and developing new drugs. Currently PIBDC investigators are translating observations of the anti-inflammatory effects of prebiotics (fiber, resistant starches) in experimental mouse models of IBD in human disease.
Investigators in the PIBDC use individual DNA, proteins and cells or animal models to identify new gene, biochemical or immunologic factors that explain the disease process of IBD and offer new insights into developing more effective treatments and even disease prevention. Currently PIBDC investigators are studying the mechanisms of how gut bacteria influence the immune response and gut barrier in cell and animal models prior to testing in humans.

Dr. Peter Mannon working with UNMC gastroenterology fellows in his research lab.
Support the Frederick F. Paustian, MD, Gastroenterology Research Laboratories Fund