University of Nebraska Medical Center

Jiongru Wu, PhD

Instructor, UNMC Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology


Jiongru Wu, PhD

Dr. Wu has hands-on experience and advanced skills in 2D- and 3D- based intestinal organoid cell cultures derived from pluripotent stem cells. He is currently focused on research investigating the cell-to-cell junctions contributing to the integrity of the intestinal barrier. Dr. Wu uses the established platform to recapitulate the cellular differentiation and signaling pathways in intestinal mucosa, the effect of anti-inflammatory drugs as well as host-pathogen interaction through the barriers. He is identifying biomarkers to assess the gene expression during the stage development of stem cells and mechanisms of action of short chain fatty acids to moderate barrier function in conjunction with various clinical conditions in IBD.


Research Interests
  • Role and function of cytokines in inflammatory bowel diseases
  • In-vitro models of human intestinal organoids
  • High-throughput analysis in tight junctional interactions


Active Grant Support


  • "IPA - Jiongru Wu" Other (Mannon), VA Medical Center - Omaha
  • PhD: Biochemistry, University of Massachusetts at Amherst, 1996
  • Post-doctoral Fellowship: Toxicology, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 2000,