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University of Nebraska Medical Center

Peter Mannon, MD, MPH

Ruth and Bill Scott Endowed Presidential Chair of Internal Medicine
Professor, UNMC Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology
Gastroenterology Faculty
Director, Frederick F. Paustian Inflammatory Bowel Disease Center

Peter Mannon, MD, MPH

Dr. Mannon has an extensive background in human gut mucosal immunology, gut epithelial biology, and the gut microbiome with specific expertise in investigator-initiated translational studies of novel and re-purposed agents and laboratory use of primary human specimens for experimental and monitoring assays.

As a co-investigator on the Human Microbiome Project, co-Director of the Nebraska Microbiome Research Group, and head of several research and clinical inflammatory bowel disease units, Dr. Mannon has the necessary expertise to support the proposed research on the role of ethanol-induced lysosome and autophagy disruption in conferring risk of IBD via epithelial barrier disruption and enhanced gut microbial dysbiosis.

Get to know Dr. Peter Mannon, Gastroenterology.


Research Interests
  • Inflammatory Bowel Disease
  • Crohn's and Ulcerative Colitis
  • Gut mucosal immunology


Active Grant Support


  • "Gut bacterial metallophores in the development and severity of inflammatory bowel disease" Co-Investigator (Samuelson),DHHS/NIH/NIDDK
  • "IPA- Jiongru Wu" Principal Investigator, VA Medical Center - Omaha


  • "Role of Intestinal Autophagy in the Pathogenesis of Alcohol Associated Liver Injury" Co-Investigator (Thomes), DHHS/NIH/NIAAA
  • "Polyphenol mediated gut microbiome modulation for prevention of inflammatory bowel disease" Co-Investigator (Rachagani), DHHS/NIH/NIDDK
  • Medical School: Boston University School of Medicine, 1983
  • Residency: Internal Medicine, Duke University Medical Center, 1986
  • Fellowship: Clinical Fellow in Gastroenterology, Johns Hopkins Hospital, 1987
  • Fellowship: Research Fellow in Gastroenterology, Duke University Medical Center, 1989
  • Graduate Education: MPH, Epidemiology, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2000
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