University of Nebraska Medical Center

Benita McVicker, PhD

Associate Professor, UNMC Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology


Benita McVicker, PhD
Research in Dr. McVicker’s lab involves the study of altered protein trafficking and hepatocellular injury in animal models of alcohol-associated liver disease; the role of alcohol in the potentiation of colorectal liver metastases; the study of hepatic stellate cell transformation and models of liver fibrosis; targeting profibrotic mechanisms using anti-miRNA nanoparticles; and pre-clinical assessments using human precision-cut liver slices.


Research Interests
  • Altered protein trafficking and hepatocellular injury in animal models of alcohol-associated liver disease
  • The role of alcohol in the potentiation of colorectal liver metastases
  • The study of hepatic stellate cell transformation and models of liver fibrosis
  • Targeting profibrotic mechanisms using anti-miRNA nanoparticles
  • Pre-clinical assessments using human precision-cut liver slices


Active Grant Support


  • "Development of delivery methods for combination microRNA treatment of alcohol-associated liver disease" Co-Investigator (Oupicky), DHHS/NIH/NIAAA
  • "Nebraska Center of Nanomedicine (Phase III)" Other (Oupicky), DHHS/NIH/NIGMS
  • "IPA - Zuzana Sulcova" Principal Investigator, VA Medical Center - Omaha


  • "Alcohol Center Of Research-Nebraska (ACORN)" Other (Casey), DHHS/NIH/NIAAA
  • BS: Chemistry, College of St. Mary, Omaha, Nebraska, 1987
  • PhD: Biochemistry, University of Nebraska Medical Center, 1997
  • Postdoctoral Training: Research Scientist, University of Nebraska Medical Center