From the Director

Welcome to the University of Nebraska Medical Center. We thank you for taking the time to get to know our program.
Our faculty have a wide range of interests and expertise and prioritize the education and mentoring of our fellows. Our clinical partner, Nebraska Medicine, is a regional referral center with 800 inpatient beds which provides fellows a robust exposure to common and rare endocrine disorders.
Guided by faculty and supported by diabetes education teams, fellows develop expertise in initiating and managing subcutaneous insulin pumps and continuous glucose monitors.
Through a dedicated Thyroid Rotation and rotating thyroid biopsy clinics, fellows have extensive exposure to thyroid and neck ultrasound, and ultrasound-guided thyroid biopsies.
Multiple subspecialty clinics provide fellows with experience in all areas of endocrinology.
Fellows have many opportunities to engage in clinical and basic science research, including:
- Developing their own research project
- Participating in investigator-initiated trials
- Involvement in the many multi-center clinical trials active in our division.
- Along with mentoring from our experienced faculty, multiple resources exist in the division and on campus to support fellows’ research efforts.
Education is a priority in our division and our fellows participate in teaching students and residents. For fellows interested in developing into a clinician educator, mentorship and guidance is provided at the divisional level. Many other campus resources exist to provide additional support and opportunities for developing clinician educators, including:
- UNMC Interprofessional Academy of Educators
- iEXCEL and the Davis Global Center
- Office of Academic Affairs
The Endocrinology Fellowship program at UNMC is a dynamic and forward-thinking program, and we adapt our training program to fit the needs of our trainees and to prepare our fellows for the evolving world of medicine.
Thank you for your interest in our program. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Amy Neumeister, MD
Program Director