University of Nebraska Medical Center


A UNMC faculty member meeting with a group of trainees

Two-Year Program, Lifelong Knowledge

The Endocrinology Fellowship is a two-year program that trains our fellows for successful careers. Fellows will learn through a variety of activities, including outpatient and inpatient clinical rotations, research opportunities, quality improvement projects, and didactic experiences  

Fellowship activities

Lecture Series

Through a dedicated lecture series and other structured didactics, fellows are exposed to the breadth of endocrinology during their fellowship training. View an example of a typical monthly conference calendar.

Typically held once a week, this educational series provides fellows with background into all aspects of endocrinology. Lectures are presented by endocrinology faculty as well as faculty from other departments. A general overview of the core didactic series is available in the list of fellow lecture topics.
Held Monday afternoons, this conference allows fellows, residents and students to present clinical scenarios with an up-to-date literature review. Fellows typically present three to four times during their fellowship.

Presented approximately once a month, M&M conference allows fellows the opportunity to present challenging cases and discuss issues of diagnostic dilemmas and patient safety.

Held every other Friday, fellows and faculty present recent impactful basic science or clinical journal articles. The journal club sessions allow for discussion of study design (including strengths and limitations), assessment of methodologies (including statistical analysis), and the potential impact of the study on clinical practice.
During this weekly conference, clinicians from endocrinology, surgery, oncology, radiology, and pathology, among others, discuss patients with various endocrine tumors including thyroid, neuroendocrine, adrenal, and parathyroid. Through a multidisciplinary review of these challenging cases, from workup to diagnosis to management, fellows receive valuable insight into common and rare endocrine tumors.
This monthly meeting provides fellows insight into research in the division and across campus, as well as presentations from invited researchers from other institutions.
Led by the program director and associate program director, fellows meet weekly to work through board-style questions to build their knowledge base and supplement their own independent reading.
First-year fellows attend this symposium presented by the UNMC Clinical Research Center. This weeklong symposium provides fellows with in-depth guidance on developing their own research projects, including developing a question, understanding and applying methodology, background into statistical analysis, and completing an IRB application. Fellows have no clinical duties during this week and are free to focus on the symposium.
Internal Medicine Grand Rounds occurs each Friday over the lunch hour. Topics are presented either by UNMC faculty or by invited outside faculty.