University of Nebraska Medical Center

Wei Wu, PhD

Assistant Professor, UNMC Division of Cardiovascular Medicine

After graduation from Dalian University of Technology in China, Dr. Wu gained rich experience in clinical-based simulation and verification, design, and manufacture of medical devices through working in different labs at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore, Politecnico di Milano in Italy, and the University of Texas at San Antonio.

Now, Dr. Wu is working with Dr. Ioannis Chatzizisis at the University of Nebraska Medical Center in the pursuit of transferring the numerical modeling work to the direct clinical application. Dr. Wu has published more than 40 peer-reviewed papers, with more than 1,400 citations (google scholar), and has three patents.


  • Vessel (cardiovascular and peripheral) bio-mechanics
  • Clinical-based finite element analysis and computational fluid dynamics
  • Design, optimization, manufacture, and test of medical devices
  • Medical image processing and 3D reconstruction
  • Virtual Reality on medical models