WEBVTT Kind: captions Language: en 00:00:10.960 --> 00:00:19.040 Seasonal allergies are going to be the most common  in spring, which is March, April, May, June, July   00:00:20.160 --> 00:00:25.760 and again in the fall, September, October.  And with seasonal allergies you're going to   00:00:25.760 --> 00:00:32.960 have the sneezing the itchy eyes the itchy back  of your throat and the post nasal drip and it's   00:00:32.960 --> 00:00:40.240 going to be worse after you've been outdoors.  It differs from a cold in that a viral infection   00:00:40.240 --> 00:00:47.120 can cause fevers or chills and you can have more  of a sore throat with a viral infection. But   00:00:47.120 --> 00:00:53.200 you can also have a sore throat with allergies so  there certainly is a lot of overlap between viral   00:00:53.200 --> 00:00:58.480 cold and allergies. But looking at the time  of year and whether or not you're sneezing   00:00:58.480 --> 00:01:11.840 or having itching with it and maybe some eye  symptoms can help delineate the difference.