[Music] I think INBRE is really important because a lot of students that go to smaller schools in Nebraska aren't exposed to research at all and so they don't even know that this is a career option. They know that with a biology degree you can be a doctor or a vet because that's what they're exposed to. There's no labs around to really see that research is a viable and fun occupation. INBRE is important because it provides a pipeline for getting undergraduates to go to graduate school and so it gives them opportunities that they might not have been had in the past to see if this might be something for them. The key thing is it certainly ignited something in me about research it gave me the sense of the bigger picture of why research is important. I don't think I would have gotten that from just going through the undergrad process. I think INBRE allowed me to see the impact research can have for biology for diseases for medicine and I think having that in the back of my mind led me along the path of combining medicine and research. I feel it's important to talk to the next generation of scientists because that's how I saw myself doing this is when I saw someone who came in and spoke when I was part of a research program at the NIH I saw someone who came in and spoke and said I am a neurosurgeon scientist and I said wow I could actually do that. When I watched other people's research it helped me and I think a lot of other students understand diverse aspects of Science and all the students that are maybe very interested in one subject going to this conference allowed us to see all the other subjects and be interested in that and how science plays a role in everyone's lives no matter what research you're doing. I would encourage people to look into INBRE as an opportunity especially if they're interested in research even if it's like from a medical standpoint as an md-phd because there is no better program to figure out if you like research than doing INBRE.