Directions & Parking
The iEXCEL Administrative Office is located in the Davis Global Center on 42nd and Emile Street.
Directions to the Davis Global Center
As visitors of iEXCEL, you are allowed to park in any patient/visitor labeled parking.
*Please note that you are not allowed to park in any employee or student-labeled parking lots.
Directions to the iEXCEL Sorrell Clinical Simulation Lab:
The Michael F. Sorrell Center for Health Science Education, located at 42nd and Emile Streets, houses the Sorrell Clinical Simulation Lab (Room 1039) on the first floor of the building.
As visitors of iEXCEL, you are allowed to park in any patient/visitor labeled parking.
*Please note that you are not allowed to park in any employee or student-labeled parking lots.
If you are arriving from elsewhere on UNMC campus or parking in lots 56, 57 or 63, you may use the UNMC shuttle and depart on stop 3 (Michael F. Sorrell Center).
4111 Emile St.
Omaha, NE 68105
Phone: 402-559-2442
GPS Address to the iEXCEL Sorrell Clinical Simulation Lab in the Michael F. Sorrell Center:
619 S. 42 Street
Omaha, NE 68105
Phone: 402-559-2442