Category: Vaccine Headlines
A booster is your best shot now
(Ground Truths Blog) I know it’s hard to keep track of the new variants, with esoteric designations and without names (Hello WHO, where are you?). But several of these are quite troubling because their growth advantage compared to BA.5 (the wave we’re getting over) is substantial, chiefly related to their ability to work around our […]
Oct 24, 2022
FDA’s vaccines chief sees possibility of more Covid boosters — sooner than he’d like
(STAT News) Peter Marks, who leads the Food and Drug Administration’s vaccines operation, is still losing sleep over Covid. Yes, vaccines for all age groups have been authorized or approved. Yes, an updated vaccine is now available. And, yes, multiple products are in use and hundreds of millions of doses have been given in this […]
Oct 21, 2022
Harvard Public Health – The new bivalent booster protects against the original COVID and the dominant Omicron variant. And yet, only 5% of adults eligible for the new COVID booster have received it. Local health departments can change that. Public health leaders have blamed Americans’ lack of urgency on mixed public health messaging about boosters, […]
Oct 18, 2022
Study Shows Benefits of COVID-19 Vaccines and Boosters
NIH Director’s Blog – As colder temperatures settle in and people spend more time gathered indoors, cases of COVID-19 and other respiratory illnesses almost certainly will rise. That’s why, along with scheduling your annual flu shot, it’s now recommended that those age 5 and up should get an updated COVID-19 booster shot [1,2]. Not only […]
Oct 18, 2022
Please Just Get the Dang Updated COVID Booster Shot
GQ – It’s good for you, it’s good for your community, and it’s widely available right now. This time around a pair of new vaccines, the updated or “bivalent” boosters from Pfizer and Moderna, could curb another winter spike. They’re both FDA-approved, and they both are designed to protect against the latest omicron sub-variants. They’re available near […]
Oct 13, 2022
Risk of Covid death almost zero for people who are boosted and treated
CNBC– Dr. Ashish Jha, head of the White House Covid task force, said the U.S. has made major strides in fighting Covid since the early days of the pandemic. “If you are up to date with your vaccines and if you get treated if you have a breakthrough infection, your risk of dying from Covid […]
Oct 13, 2022
Even Intubated COVID Patients Potentially See Vaccine Benefits
MedPageToday – Better survival for patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome when fully vaccinated. Being fully vaccinated was associated with better survival for patients intubated for acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) owing to COVID-19, a small multicenter study from Greece showed. In a cohort involving 265 consecutive patients needing intubation for COVID-19 ARDS, mortality was […]
Oct 10, 2022
A wave of anti-vaccine legislation is sweeping the United States
Vox – The anti-vaccine movement is gaining strength even after 1 million Americans have died of Covid-19. Paul Offit, director of the Vaccine Education Center at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, does not mince words when describing the scientific legacy of the Covid-19 vaccines: The mRNA shots, he said, are “the greatest scientific achievement in my […]
Oct 8, 2022
Coronavirus (booster) FAQ: Can it cause a positive test? When should you get it?
NPR – The vaccine and the tests are based upon different parts of the COVID virus. “All the vaccines in the United States use the spike genetic material,” says Kamil. “All of the home tests detect something called nucleocapsid,” a protein not found in the vaccine. But if the vaccine is going to make you […]
Oct 6, 2022
Breakthrough Monkeypox Cases Seen Weeks After Second Jynneos Dose
MedPageToday – Most cases of monkeypox post-vaccination occurred within 2 weeks of the first Jynneos dose, a single-center study found, but some breakthrough cases developed weeks after a second dose of the vaccine. Of 90 individuals who tested positive for monkeypox after a single dose of Jynneos at a large monkeypox testing and vaccination site, […]
Oct 6, 2022