University of Nebraska Medical Center

Category: Africa

Uganda urgently needs help to stop the Ebola outbreak in its tracks

Fortune – As of September 29, there have been 35 confirmed cases and seven confirmed deaths–with many more probable cases and a suspected fatality rate of around 50%. The outbreak has now expanded to two other districts, with 427 contacts listed for follow-up, and it will potentially spread to congested parts of downtown Kampala, the […]

Sep 30, 2022

Scientists race to test vaccines for Uganda’s Ebola outbreak

Science – A multipronged international effort has begun to pull out all the stops to launch trials of experimental Ebola vaccines in Uganda, which declared an outbreak of the deadly disease on 20 September. According to the most recent World Health Organization (WHO) update, Uganda has had 18 confirmed and 18 suspected cases of Ebola, […]

Sep 30, 2022

Uganda Ebola cases jump to 50, with 1 more death

CIDRAP – The number of people infected in Uganda’s Ebola Sudan outbreak jumped to 50 today, with 14 more cases added to the total, the World Health Organization (WHO) African region said today on Twitter. One more person died, raising the fatality count to 24. Of the 14 new cases, 13 are lab-confirmed and 1 is listed […]

Sep 30, 2022

Uganda is racing to contain a deadly Ebola outbreak

CBS News – Ugandan Ministry of Health Officials said Tuesday that a total of 36 cases, including 18 confirmed and 18 more listed as probable, had been reported. There were 23 deaths within that number, five among confirmed cases and 18 among probable ones. Officials have confirmed to CBS News separately that five people are confirmed to […]

Sep 29, 2022

Ebola Cases, Fatalities Rise in Uganda

VOA – Uganda health officials declared an outbreak of Ebola a week ago. Five days later, on September 25, they confirmed the disease had infected 36 people, killing 23. It is the first Ebola disease outbreak caused by the Sudan virus in Uganda since 2012. A vaccine is available to protect adults from becoming infected […]

Sep 27, 2022

Uganda: Ebola Disease caused by Sudan virus

WHO – On 20 September 2022, Uganda health authorities declared an outbreak of Ebola disease, caused by Sudan virus, following laboratory confirmation of a patient from a village in Madudu sub-county, Mubende district, central Uganda. As of 25 September 2022, a cumulative number of 18 confirmed and 18 probable cases have been reported from Mubende, […]

Sep 27, 2022

Uganda Ebola outbreak area expands, cases jump to 36, deaths to 23

CIDRAP – Uganda’s health ministry today reported a steady surge in Ebola Sudan cases in the past few days, bringing the total to 36 of which 23 (64%) have proved fatal. In another worrying development, the ministry said yesterday that illnesses have been reported in two more locations, as the affected area expands. Just 4 […]

Sep 27, 2022

Uganda medical workers strike at Ebola hospital

BBC – Medical interns at Uganda’s Mubende hospital have gone on strike, accusing the government of not providing them with appropriate safety kit, risk allowances and health insurance. The hospital, located some 150 km (95 miles) from the capital, Kampala, is hosting the main isolation centre for Ebola patients as the outbreak continues to spread […]

Sep 26, 2022

More Than 700 Children Have Died in a Measles Outbreak in Zimbabwe

NYT – It is driven by a decline in child immunization during the pandemic and the influence of an anti-vaccination evangelical church. As of Sept. 6, the country’s Ministry of Health and Child Care was reporting more than 6,500 cases and 704 deaths. It has not released numbers since then.

Sep 26, 2022

Ebola Deaths Double With Outbreak Spreading in Central Uganda

Bloomberg – Two new districts reported cases of the Ebola-Sudan strain of the viral hemorrhagic illness after it was first detected in the central Mubende district on Sept. 20. At least 34 people have contracted the disease and 21 have died, the Kampala-based Ministry of Health said on Twitter late Sunday.

Sep 26, 2022