University of Nebraska Medical Center

Category: Featured

Flu Outbreak in China Intensifies as Infection Rises for Sixth Week

Bloomberg An influenza outbreak in China picked up intensity over the past week as a major city prepared to enforce pandemic-style lockdowns to curb the surge in infections. The positivity rate for flu jumped to 41.6% in the week beginning March 5 from 25.1% the previous week, the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention […]

Mar 14, 2023

Cameroon Situation Update on Marburg

DOWNLOAD Marburg Virus Disease (MVM) Situation Report No. 3 HIGHLIGHTS Machine Translated AREAS OF INTERVENTION 1. MONITORING 1.1 Alert management Alerts come from health facilities (71.4%), calls from the community (21.4%) and investigation teams (7.2%). 1.2 Surveillance at points of entry In total 285 Disembarked, 285 Screened, 285 Sensitized and no suspected cases 2. CONTACT INVESTIGATION […]

Mar 14, 2023

Marburg virus outbreaks are increasing in frequency and geographic spread – three virologists explain

(The Conversation) The World Health Organization confirmed an outbreak of the deadly Marburg virus disease in the central African country of Equatorial Guinea on Feb. 13, 2023. To date, there have been 11 deaths suspected to be caused by the virus, with one case confirmed. Authorities are currently monitoring 48 contacts, four of whom have developed symptoms and […]

Mar 14, 2023

It’s Time for a Flu Vaccine—for Birds

Wired Avian influenza has killed millions of birds. Shots to prevent it already exist. Why isn’t the entire poultry industry using them? The wave of avian influenza H5N1—which so far has hit 76 countries, triggered national emergencies, and created the worst animal-disease outbreak in US history—keeps roaring through wild birds and commercial poultry. More than 140 […]

Mar 8, 2023

Covid backlash hobbles public health and future pandemic response

Washington Post When the next pandemic sweeps the United States, health officials in Ohio won’t be able to shutter businesses or schools, even if they become epicenters of outbreaks. Nor will they be empowered to force Ohioans who have been exposed to go into quarantine. State officials in North Dakota are barred from directing people […]

Mar 8, 2023

How to stop the bird flu outbreak becoming a pandemic

Nature From tracking the disease’s spread in wild birds to updating human vaccines, there are measures that could help keep avian influenza in check. Fears are rising about bird flu’s potential to spark a human pandemic, as well as its destruction of wildlife and farmed birds. An 11-year-old girl tragically died in Cambodia last week after […]

Mar 7, 2023

Chile reports sea lions affected by bird flu

Gov Website (Machine Translated) It reiterates the call to the population not to touch or approach wildlife in general, to protect the well-being and integrity of people. Specialists from the National Service of Natural Areas Protected by the State (Sernanp), an agency attached to the Ministry of the Environment, recorded the death of 3,487 funny […]

Mar 7, 2023

U.S. Considers Vaccinating Chickens as Bird Flu Kills Millions of Them

(New York Times) The largest outbreak of avian influenza in U.S. history has driven up egg prices and raised concerns about a human pandemic, though C.D.C. experts say the risk of that is low. The Biden administration, keeping a watchful eye on an outbreak of avian influenza that has led to the deaths of tens […]

Mar 7, 2023

Cameroon – Anticipatory action for Marburg

Relief Web Since February 7, 2023, several suspected cases with symptoms of Marburg Hemorrhagic Fever have been declared in Equatorial Guinea in districts of Kie-Ntem province. On February 13, 2023, the first Marburg epidemic was declared by confirmation of a positive sample. Several contact cases are to be traced and Cameroon has recorded suspect cases […]

Mar 7, 2023

U.S. to lift covid testing requirements on travelers from China

Washington Post U.S. officials are set to relax coronavirus testing requirements on travelers from China as soon as Friday, a decision that comes amid declining covid cases in that country, according to three officials who spoke on the condition of anonymity to describe the plan. The White House declined to comment on the plan, which the officials […]

Mar 7, 2023

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