University of Nebraska Medical Center

Category: Featured

Emerging Infectious Diseases Prompt a Layered Response

Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology News The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases says that the list of emerging infectious diseases is hardly limited to outbreaks of previously unknown pathogens. It also includes known diseases that gain in numbers or geographic extent, or that persist and remain uncontrolled. The list includes chikungunya, HIV, and dengue […]

Aug 15, 2023

Most babies who got very sick from RSV last winter were previously healthy, study finds

NBC News During last winter’s RSV season, a majority of infants in the ICU with RSV didn’t have any underlying conditions. Last winter, a particularly severe season of RSV overwhelmed pediatric hospitals with a surge of sick infants struggling to breathe as their lungs filled with secretions. RSV, or respiratory syncytial virus, can be especially dangerous for […]

Aug 15, 2023

‘Elegant’ study connects COVID with mitochondria gene disruptions, paving way for new treatments

Fierce Biotech Scientists and clinicians studying COVID-19 have long suspected that the disease doesn’t just affect the lungs, but many other organ systems too. Now, researchers have identified a mechanism that could explain why and reveal new pathways to find treatments for long COVID. In a study published Aug. 9 in Science, a team led by Children’s Hospital of […]

Aug 15, 2023

The Pandemic Potential of U.S. Animal Markets

MedPageToday Zoonotic disease threats are not just an “over there” problem. COVID hit the U.S. while my partner and I were back home at a wedding in Kansas. At the time, there were a handful of cases on the coasts, but concerns about the new virus were drowned out by the busy reception full of […]

Aug 15, 2023

Bubonic plague cases reported in North China’s Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region

Outbreak News Today Two more cases of bubonic plague were reported in North China’s Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region on Sunday, following an earlier case reported on August 7. The two newly infected patients are the husband and daughter of the previous case, said local govt. All close contacts have been quarantined and show no symptoms.

Aug 15, 2023

Outbreaks of avian influenza caused by influenza A(H5N1) in the Region of the Americas – August 2023

PAHO As of epidemiological week (EW) 31 of 2023, agricultural authorities in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuador, The United States of America, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Panama, Peru, Uruguay, and Venezuela have detected outbreaks of HPAI A(H5N1) viruses in domestic birds, farm poultry and/or wild birds, and in mammals. Among the […]

Aug 13, 2023

How leprosy arrived in Florida, and how it is spreading: New clues are emerging

Sun Sentinal Health officials are seeing more cases of the rare disease of leprosy in Florida, and want to find out why. Are foreign travelers bringing the disease to Florida with them? Are people in the state getting it from armadillos, which are naturally infected with the bacteria that causes the disease? How is this […]

Aug 8, 2023

Covid Didn’t Take a Summer Vacation

New York Times Many people don’t want to think about the virus, but an increase in cases means it’s time for a refresher on how to protect yourself and others. You’re not imagining it: Covid-19 cases are on the rise again. Fortunately, since a vast majority of Americans have some sort of immunity, either from vaccination or […]

Aug 8, 2023

A Crucial Early Warning System for Disease Outbreaks Is in Jeopardy

Wired Internal dissent within the mostly volunteer disease-news network known as ProMED—which alerted the world to the earliest cases of Covid, Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS), and SARS—has broken out into the open and threatens to take down the internationally treasured network unless an external sponsor can be found. The struggle for the future of the low-tech site, which […]

Aug 8, 2023

Long-running ProMED email service for alerting world to disease outbreaks is in trouble

Science Money woes and a staff strike threaten dispatches valued by researchers and public health experts. The first news about the COVID-19 pandemic came not from a government or a scientific publication, but in an email from a disease-alert system called ProMED. This fateful missive in December 2019 about a few cases of a mysterious pneumonia […]

Aug 8, 2023

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