Category: Plague
Colorado: Public Health Officials Confirm First Human Plague Case in Pueblo County
Colorado Department of Public Health The Pueblo Department of Public Health and Environment, in collaboration with the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, has confirmed a human case of plague in a Pueblo County resident. PDPHE continues to investigate a potential source and asks the public to take the precautions listed below:
Jul 9, 2024
Don’t just blame rat fleas. Lice may have helped spread ‘black death’ plague
NPR The plague — which in the mid-14th century was also known as the Black Death — devastated swaths of Europe, killing millions in under a decade. One of the puzzles surrounding this ancient pandemic was how it spread so quickly. The common wisdom is that rat fleas were the big spreaders. But now a […]
Jun 4, 2024
Bubonic plague cases reported in North China’s Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region
Outbreak News Today Two more cases of bubonic plague were reported in North China’s Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region on Sunday, following an earlier case reported on August 7. The two newly infected patients are the husband and daughter of the previous case, said local govt. All close contacts have been quarantined and show no symptoms.
Aug 15, 2023
Bubonic plague case reported in Mongolian capital
Xinhua One case of bubonic plague was confirmed in Mongolia’s capital here on Tuesday, according to the country’s National Center for Zoonotic Diseases (NCZD). The infected man ate marmot meat last week, the NCZD said, adding that he and five others in close contact with him are now being isolated and treated. While hunting marmots […]
Aug 8, 2023
Patient with suspected bubonic plague admitted to hospital in Mongolia
Akai A patient in critical condition with suspected bubonic plague was admitted to the regional hospital of Gobi-Altai aimag province of Mongolia, located on the border with China, head of the public relations department of the National Center for Zoonotic Infectious DiseasesEnkhbayaryn Dulmaa announced. A 21-year-old young man was sent to the regional hospital from Bugat […]
Jun 27, 2023
Colorado reports human case of bubonic plague in Montezuma County
The Journal Montezuma County Public Health has identified a human case of plague in a resident, according to a news release Monday from the department. The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment and Montezuma County Public Health Department continue to investigate the case and “will provide additional information as it becomes available,” the news […]
Jun 27, 2023
The Medieval Black Death Made You Healthier—If You Survived
Time Game of Thrones doesn’t tell you the half of it. Life during the medieval ages was nasty, brutish and short. That was especially true during what became known as the Black Death. The widespread outbreak of plague struck between 1347 and 1351, killing tens of millions of people, resulting in the loss of 30 to […]
Jun 6, 2023

Oldest evidence of plague in Britain is over 4,000 years old
UK Natural History Museum The plague was already circulating in Britain thousands of years before the Black Death. New research reveals that Yersinia pestis was widespread across Europe during the Bronze Age, with multiple strains circulating across the continent. The earliest evidence of the plague in Britain has been discovered. Researchers investigating Bronze Age human remains found […]
May 30, 2023