University of Nebraska Medical Center

Category: Emerging Infectious Diseases

Covid-19 Associated With 72% Greater Risk Of Type 1 Diabetes Among Children, Study Shows

Forbes – Still think that getting Covid-19 is no big deal for children? Well, there’s been growing evidence that Covid-19 could hit you right in the pancreas. And a study just published as a research letter in JAMA Network furthered the possibility that Covid-19 may somehow lead to type 1 diabetes. Since type 1 diabetes results when the […]

Sep 27, 2022

Ebola Cases, Fatalities Rise in Uganda

VOA – Uganda health officials declared an outbreak of Ebola a week ago. Five days later, on September 25, they confirmed the disease had infected 36 people, killing 23. It is the first Ebola disease outbreak caused by the Sudan virus in Uganda since 2012. A vaccine is available to protect adults from becoming infected […]

Sep 27, 2022

Why COVID isn’t like the flu (yet) in one brutal graph

Fortune – While the two can present with similar symptoms—like fever, cough, fatigue, sore throat, muscle aches, and headache—and are both more likely to be fatal for the elderly and immunocompromised, the comparison falls apart when it comes to the death toll. 

Sep 27, 2022

Long COVID Has Forced a Reckoning for One of Medicine’s Most Neglected Diseases

The Atlantic – Only a couple dozen doctors specialize in chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS). Now their knowledge could be crucial to treating millions more patients. ME/CFS involves a panoply of debilitating symptoms that affect many organ systems and that get worse with exertion. The Institute of Medicine estimates that it affects 836,000 to 2.5 million people in the […]

Sep 27, 2022

Omicron subvariants linked to reinfections

CIDRAP – A new study based on COVID-19 patients in France shows high reinfection rates among people with different Omicron subvariants, including BA.1, BA.2, and BA.5. The study is published as a research letter in Emerging Infectious Diseases. The research group conducting this study, from Aix Marseille University, previously found reinfection rates were 6-fold higher during […]

Sep 27, 2022

Coming Soon: More Moderna Boosters, More Monoclonal Antibody Treatments

KHN – The FDA has authorized five more batches of Moderna’s updated covid shot to address shortages across the nation. And the Health and Human Services Department is buying 60,000 more doses of bebtelovimab.

Sep 27, 2022

A practical update on the management of patients with COVID–19

Royal College of Physicians – While vaccines against COVID-19 are being rolled out, an ongoing need remains for therapies to treat patients who have symptomatic COVID-19 before vaccination or in whom breakthrough infection develops. Dexamethasone and interleukin-6 inhibitors have been the mainstay of treatment for severe to critical COVID-19 requiring hospitalisation. However, in the previous […]

Sep 27, 2022

Hybrid immunity and strategies for COVID-19 vaccination

The Lancet Infectious Diseases – Since April, 2022, BA.2.12.1, BA.4, and BA.5 subvariants of the omicron (B.1.1.529) SARS-CoV-2 variant of concern have been spreading globally with increased viral fitness and transmissibility. Omicron BA.5 subvariant is currently the predominant COVID-19 threat worldwide. With the emergence of the antigenically distinct variants of concern, either natural immunity or […]

Sep 27, 2022

COVID-19 Patient Characteristics and Time to Viral Clearance: A Retrospective Observational Study in a Multiethnic Population (UAE)

Journal of Clinical Virology – The factors contributing to delayed viral clearance in COVID-19 are still unclear.•The authors investigated these factors in a study of a multiethnic population.• Advanced age, cardiovascular comorbidity, and severe COVID-19 all led to Delayed viral clearance• This early recognition enables for a detailed strategy to optimize the outcome.

Sep 27, 2022

Uganda: Ebola Disease caused by Sudan virus

WHO – On 20 September 2022, Uganda health authorities declared an outbreak of Ebola disease, caused by Sudan virus, following laboratory confirmation of a patient from a village in Madudu sub-county, Mubende district, central Uganda. As of 25 September 2022, a cumulative number of 18 confirmed and 18 probable cases have been reported from Mubende, […]

Sep 27, 2022