Category: COVID
What exactly is “long COVID” (aka “post-acute sequelae SARS-CoV-2,” or PASC)? How do you know if you have it? Dr. Lawler answers commonly asked questions in this first of a three-part Transmission Briefs series on long COVID/PASC.
Jun 27, 2023
‘Bold’ study that gave people COVID reveals ‘supershedder’ phenomenon
Nature A small subset of infected people spew huge amounts of virus into the air — despite having only mild symptoms. A study of people who were intentionally infected with SARS-CoV-2 has provided a wealth of insights into viral transmission — showing, for example, that a select group of people are ‘supershedders’ who spew vastly […]
Jun 20, 2023
Inflammation Firestorm Could Be The Secret Culprit of Long COVID
Neuro News Summary: An overactive inflammatory response might be the key to many long COVID cases. Through an examination of proteins in the blood, the researchers discovered unique inflammation markers present only in a subset of long COVID patients. The findings suggest that targeted anti-inflammatory treatments could potentially alleviate symptoms for this group. However, pinpointing which […]
Jun 20, 2023
What’s New in the Search for a Long COVID Cure?
UCSF Effective therapies that target the condition’s root causes could be a few years away. What exactly is long COVID? It refers to unexplained symptoms that are new or worse since someone had acute COVID and that are not attributable to other causes. They persist for at least three months after COVID’s onset and impact […]
Jun 20, 2023
UNMC Dr. James Lawler reviews the data and trends regarding China’s COVID waves, U.S. wastewater, and how long COVID can negatively affect children and learning.
Jun 14, 2023
Mysterious COVID strain found in central Ohio
NBC Viral researchers believe someone in central Ohio has been infected with COVID-19 for at least two years, and they want to find that person. While the researchers believe there is no threat to public health, they hope this case holds much-needed answers to treating long COVID. Molecular virologist Dr. Marc Johnson, a microbiology professor […]
Jun 6, 2023
Martha Nelson on the SARS-CoV-2 virus in deer
Penn State “There don’t appear to be evolutionary adaptations required for human SARS-CoV-2 virus to transmit in deer so far,” said Eberly College of Science alumna Martha Nelson, reflecting on her past two years of work as a staff scientist at the National Institutes of Health (NIH). She discussed how the same variants of the […]
Jun 6, 2023
Covid Is Coming Back in China; Lockdowns Are Not
NYT In December, China abruptly abandoned its draconian “Zero Covid” policies, battered by a surge of infections and rising public anger against lockdowns. Half a year on, Covid cases again are on the rise, but this time the nation appears to be determined to press on with normal life as the government focuses on reigniting […]
Jun 6, 2023
COVID infections in state Senate prompt CT lawmakers to make changes
CT Insider With less than two weeks before the General Assembly’s statutory deadline, a new round of COVID infections in the state Senate has prompted legislative leaders to order mandatory masking for staff, elected officials and the public on the third floor of the State Capitol building as well as the fourth floor Senate galleries. […]
May 30, 2023