University of Nebraska Medical Center

Category: Long COVID

Older patients more likely to report long-COVID symptoms

CIDRAP – Among patients seen at long-COVID clinics in four countries, older people were the most likely to report symptoms and have abnormal chest imaging and lung function tests, finds a study published late last week in the International Journal of Infectious Diseases. Researchers in Israel, Italy, Spain, and Switzerland followed 2,333 COVID-19 survivors for an average of […]

Oct 4, 2022

Long Covid Has Become a Parallel Pandemic

Bloomberg – There are millions of long-haulers in the US alone, and there will be millions more if we don’t develop better vaccines and treatments. The price of “living with Covid” in a free and open society is turning out to be much heftier than public health experts predicted. Even with good vaccines and treatments, […]

Oct 3, 2022

New Guidance Focuses on Long COVID in Kids

Med Page Today – When it comes to long COVID in children, physicians should focus on mitigating symptoms and encouraging multidisciplinary rehabilitation designed to improve age-appropriate development, according to new clinical guidance from the American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (AAPM&R). Long COVID can present differently in children, so standard practices for managing the […]

Sep 29, 2022

Long COVID Has Forced a Reckoning for One of Medicine’s Most Neglected Diseases

The Atlantic – Only a couple dozen doctors specialize in chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS). Now their knowledge could be crucial to treating millions more patients. ME/CFS involves a panoply of debilitating symptoms that affect many organ systems and that get worse with exertion. The Institute of Medicine estimates that it affects 836,000 to 2.5 million people in the […]

Sep 27, 2022