University of Nebraska Medical Center

Category: Long COVID

For long covid fatigue, a strategy called ‘pacing’ helps, but at a cost

(Washington Post) Taking a lesson from people with chronic fatigue, many patients with long covid are scaling back daily activity to cope. What is it like to live with the chronic fatigue of long covid? It feels like dragging your body through wet cement, says Judy Schaefer, 58, a once avid hiker who lives in […]

Jan 17, 2023

Study Finds There Are 4 Subtypes of Long COVID

(Prevention) Research has found that long COVID impacts one in five adults under the age of 65, but scientists are still trying to learn more about the condition. Now, a new study has found there are actually four main subtypes of long COVID. The study, which was published in the journal Nature Medicine, used machine learning to analyze clusters of symptoms […]

Jan 10, 2023

Data-driven identification of post-acute SARS-CoV-2 infection subphenotypes

(Nature) The post-acute sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 infection (PASC) refers to a broad spectrum of symptoms and signs that are persistent, exacerbated or newly incident in the period after acute SARS-CoV-2 infection. Most studies have examined these conditions individually without providing evidence on co-occurring conditions. In this study, we leveraged the electronic health record data of […]

Jan 10, 2023

Most people who ended up with long COVID started with a mild case, new study shows

(CBS News) Even mild COVID-19 cases can have major and long-lasting effects on people’s health. That is one of the key findings from our recent multicountry study on long COVID-19 – or long COVID – recently published in the Journal of the American Medical Association. Long COVID is defined as the continuation or development of symptoms three months after the […]

Jan 10, 2023

Study identifies four major subtypes of long COVID

(Cornell) The post-COVID syndrome known as long COVID has four major subtypes defined by different clusters of symptoms, according to a study led by researchers at Weill Cornell Medicine. The study, published Dec. 1 in Nature Medicine, was the largest of its kind to examine long COVID. The researchers, who represent clinicians and informaticists, used a machine-learning […]

Jan 3, 2023

Severe COVID-19 increases the risk of schizophrenia

(Psychiatry Research) The coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 invades the central nervous system, impacting the mental health of COVID-19 patients. We performed a two-sample Mendelian randomization analysis to assess the potential causal effects of COVID-19 on schizophrenia. Our analysis indicated that genetic liability to hospitalized COVID-19 was associated with an increased risk for schizophrenia (OR: 1.11, 95% CI: […]

Jan 3, 2023

The Relationship Between Chronic Viral Infection and Long COVID

(NIH) In a small study supported by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), researchers found that chronic viral infections may influence the likelihood of someone developing Long COVID. They also found that different chronic infections were associated with the development of different Long COVID symptoms. Some viruses cause underlying chronic infections. These viruses […]

Dec 29, 2022

The epidemiology of long COVID in US adults

(Clinical Infectious Diseases) We estimated the prevalence of long COVID and impact on daily living among a representative sample of adults in the United States (US). We conducted a population-representative survey, June 30-July 2, 2022, of a random sample of 3,042 United States adults aged 18 years or older and weighted to the 2020 US […]

Dec 27, 2022

5 big questions we still need to answer about long covid (Opinion)

(Washington Post) We are nearly three years into the covid-19 pandemic, and the debate about the need for health measures such as vaccine and mask mandates is as hot as ever. One big reason for that: long covid. What even is “long covid”? Broadly speaking, the condition refers to any symptoms persisting weeks to months after […]

Dec 27, 2022

Long COVID: Could mono virus or fat cells be playing roles?

(AP) A British historian, an Italian archaeologist and an American preschool teacher have never met in person, but they share a prominent pandemic bond. Plagued by eerily similar symptoms, the three women are credited with describing, naming and helping bring long COVID into the public’s consciousness in early 2020.

Dec 27, 2022