University of Nebraska Medical Center

Category: Avian Influenza

Fourth Human Case of Avian Influenza H5N1 in Cambodia

BNN In the quiet village of Kapo 1, Kratie Province, Cambodia, a 16-year-old boy has become the fourth human case of Avian Influenza H5N1 in 2024. His brother recently succumbed to the same infection, raising concerns and prompting immediate action from local health authorities. The new case, a close contact of the deceased, was detected […]

Feb 14, 2024

Cambodia reports a new bird flu case, the brother of a 9-year-old who died of the virus

AP The brother of a boy who died last week from bird flu has tested positive for the virus, Cambodia’s Health Ministry said Monday. The 9-year-old’s death in the northeastern province of Kratie was the first from bird flu in Cambodia this year, after four were reported last year by the World Health Organization. Bird […]

Feb 13, 2024

Canada geese are reportedly dropping dead in Massachusetts, birds testing positive for avian influenza

Boston Herald Canada geese are reportedly dropping dead in parts of the Bay State, as the bird flu virus spreads around the region. MassWildlife over the past few days has gotten reports of dead and dying Canada geese in Essex County and the surrounding coastal areas. These wild birds showed symptoms that are in line […]

Feb 6, 2024

Bird flu outbreak declared in Niger capital

Ghana Online The capital city of Niger, Niamey, has been declared an infected zone after a fresh outbreak of the H5N1 strain of bird flu was detected in local birds. The virus can cause life-threatening sickness in several species of birds including poultry and wild birds. Humans in frequent contact with birds can also become infected. Symptoms […]

Feb 6, 2024

Bird flu found in penguins near Antarctica, 200 chicks dead

Devdiscourse Samples taken from two of the dead penguins came back positive for the H5N1 avian influenza virus, said Ralph Vanstreels, a veterinarian who works with SCAR. The Falkland Islands government told Reuters that many more gentoos were dying under similar circumstances. A deadly type of bird flu has been found in gentoo penguins for […]

Jan 30, 2024

Bird Flu Has Made a Terrifying Leap That’s Devastated Argentina’s Seal Populations

ScienceAlert Almost 96 percent of Southern elephant seal pups across Argentina born in 2023 have met a tragic end as a highly contagious strain of avian influenza continues to wreak havoc on wildlife. The scale of mortality sparks concerns that the H5N1 strain is now capable of mammal-to-mammal infection. “The sight of elephant seals found dead or dying along […]

Jan 23, 2024

First polar bear to die of bird flu – what are the implications?

Gavi Avian influenza has killed a polar bear and may have infected other bears. Climate change is a threat to polar bear’s survival. Now they have a new deadly challenge facing them: bird flu. It was recently confirmed that a polar bear from northern Alaska has died from the disease. The current strain of H5N1 influenza has […]

Jan 16, 2024

An unprecedented flu strain is attacking hundreds of animal species. Humans could be next.

Washington Post An avian flu panzootic — a pandemic among animals — has struck some 320 bird and mammal species, including. It felt like watching one of those blockbusters about the end of the world. Like witnessing an apocalypse, but in real life. Which, in a way, it was. The beaches of Valdes Peninsula in […]

Jan 16, 2024

Falcon Population Dwindling

Iceland Review The falcon population in Iceland has never been smaller, at least not since research into it began in 1981. Bird flu is the likely cause, experts at the Icelandic Institute of Natural History told RÚV. The gyrfalcon is the largest of the falcon species and its Icelandic population is genetically unique compared to other […]

Jan 2, 2024

Avian flu blamed for deaths of more than 1,000 snow geese at Cheyenne Bottoms

12 News  Testing revealed more than 1,000 migrating snow geese have died of avian influenza at wetlands in central Kansas. Wildlife officials want to bring awareness to protect other birds at Cheyenne Bottoms where dead geese line the shores of its pools. While the avian flu impact raises alarm, compared with the overall population at […]

Dec 19, 2023