University of Nebraska Medical Center

Category: Avian Influenza

France reports bird flu in foxes near Paris, WOAH says

Reuters France has reported an outbreak of highly pathogenic H5N1 bird flu among red foxes northeast of Paris, the World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH) said on Tuesday, as the spread of the virus to mammals raised global concerns. After three foxes were found dead in a nature reserve in Meaux near where gulls had […]

Mar 7, 2023

Bird flu kills sea lions and thousands of pelicans in Peru’s protected areas

(Reuters) Bird flu has killed tens of thousands of birds, mostly pelicans, and at least 716 sea lions in protected areas across Peru, the authorities said, as the H5N1 strain spreads throughout the region. Peru recorded its first case of the virus in November in birds in the north of the country. Since then it […]

Feb 21, 2023

Unprecedented avian flu outbreak continues to wreak havoc in Canadian flocks and around the world

(Globe and Mail) An unprecedented avian flu outbreakthat has wreaked havoc on flocks around the world has forced the cull of millions of birds in Canada, with the federal government paying out tens of millions of dollars in compensation. There have been about 7.2 million domestic birds affected by H5N1 avian influenza, or bird flu, […]

Feb 21, 2023

Seventh Ecuador layer flock hit by avian influenza

(Watt Poultry) Four new cases of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) in Ecuador, including one commercial egg laying operation, are identified in a new report from the World Organization for Animal Health (WOAH). In the hamlet of Zumbalica, a commercial layer flock had been experiencing high mortalities, with 9,050 hens in a flock of nearly 17,000 had […]

Feb 21, 2023

Why a bird flu outbreak at a mink farm is reigniting public health concerns

(PBS Newshour) A recent bird flu outbreak at a mink farm in Spain has reignited worries about the virus spreading more broadly to people. Scientists have been keeping tabs on this bird flu virus since the 1950s, though it wasn’t deemed a threat to people until a 1997 outbreak in Hong Kong among visitors to […]

Feb 19, 2023

Bird flu vaccination policies by country

(Reuters) A growing number of countries are turning to vaccinations against avian influenza, commonly known as bird flu, to stem one of the world’s worst outbreaks of the deadly virus. More than 30 countries have resorted to the use of vaccination against highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) since 2005, the World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH) said, […]

Feb 17, 2023

What Bird Flu Reminds Us About Influenza Pandemics

(MedPageToday) Amesh Adalja, MD  It is inevitable that there will be a next influenza pandemic in humanity’s future. When it will occur and the identity of the culprit influenza strain are not fully answerable questions. There are myriad different avian influenza viruses constantly circulating, mutating, and regrouping in their natural waterfowl hosts. As such, the prolific […]

Feb 17, 2023

Bird flu continues to spread in mammals – what this means for humans and wildlife

(The Conversation) As bird flu continues to decimate poultry and wild bird populations around the world, the virus – a deadly strain called H5N1 – appears to be spreading to mammals. The virus has already been confirmed in foxes and otters in the UK, and more recently in four dead seals. Bird flu refers to influenza A […]

Feb 17, 2023

Explainer: What are the bird flu risks to people and animals?

(Reuters) Countries ranging from the United States and Britain to France and Japan have suffered record losses of poultry in outbreaks of avian flu in the past year. The disease, which experts said is being spread by migratory birds, reached South American nations such as Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia for the first time. SHOULD HUMANS WORRY ABOUT INFECTIONS? The risk to humans is low, said […]

Feb 15, 2023

Researchers ‘cannot rule out’ bird flu spreading between sea lions

(New Scientist) More than 600 sea lions have been found dead or dying on Peruvian beaches this year in the first mass mortality event of wild mammals from bird flu in South America. A mass outbreak of avian flu among sea lions in Peru has revived fears the virus could be passing between mammals. Since […]

Feb 14, 2023

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