Category: Avian Influenza
Bird Flu Has Never Done This Before
The Atlantic Experts worry that H5N1 avian influenza is now endemic in North America. At bird breeding grounds this spring and summer, the skies have been clearer and quieter, the flocks drastically thinned. Last year, more than 60 percent of the Caspian terns at Lake Michigan vanished; the flock of great skuas at the Hermaness reserve, in Scotland, may have […]
Aug 8, 2023
Northern Ireland: First positive cases of mammals with bird flu confirmed
Belfast News Positive cases of bird flu have been found in two fox cubs, as well as in wild birds in Portrush, Co Antrim. The Department for Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (DAERA) has confirmed the positive results for highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) or bird flu. It is the first time mammals have been confirmed […]
Aug 1, 2023
Finland orders cull of 50,000 mink and foxes due to bird flu
Reuters The Finnish food authority said on Tuesday it has ordered 50,000 farmed mink and foxes to be culled at three fur farms hit by bird flu infections as mink can host the virus, increasing the chance of it mutating and affecting humans. Finland and Norway are facing record outbreaks of the H5N1 virus strain this year. […]
Aug 1, 2023
S. Korea confirms avian influenza cases in cats for first time in 7 years
Yonhap News Two cats at an animal shelter in Seoul were confirmed to have been infected with a highly pathogenic avian influenza strain, marking the first infections of the virus in mammals in seven years, the agriculture ministry has said. Cats have been found dead at the shelter in Yongsan, central Seoul, since last month, […]
Jul 25, 2023
Brazil: animal health emergency declared due to bird flu cases in wild birds
devdiscourse The Brazilian state of Parana, the country’s biggest poultry producer, said on Tuesday it has declared an animal health emergency due to the detection of avian flu cases in wild birds. The move comes after the country’s agriculture ministry directed the states to take such a measure, Parana’s government said in a statement.
Jul 25, 2023
Ireland: Devastating bird flu is on the rounds again
Independent Ireland News Bird ‘flu is on the rounds again. You may remember that last year the wild birds most affected by the fatal disease were Gannets. This year it appears so far to be terns in the Republic of Ireland and Black-headed gulls in Northern Ireland that are worst affected. Bird ‘flu has been […]
Jul 25, 2023
H5N6 avian flu hospitalizes man in China
CIDRAP China has reported another human infection from H5N6 avian influenza, a 64-year-old man from Guangxi province who raises domestic poultry, Hong Kong’s Centre for Health Protection (CHP) said today. The man’s symptoms began on July 3, and he was admitted to the hospital for treatment the next day, where he is listed in serious condition. His […]
Jul 25, 2023
Bird flu threatens Norway’s wildlife
Norway News Norway’s northern regions of Finnmark and Troms are battling the largest outbreak of bird flu ever seen in the country. More than 10,000 dead birds, mostly seagulls and the protected kittiwake, have been found in the Vadsø area alone and the virus was also found in a young dead fox in Tromsø. On […]
Jul 25, 2023
Brazil’s Parana declares animal health emergency due to bird flu cases in wild birds
Reuters The Brazilian state of Parana, the country’s biggest poultry producer, said on Tuesday it has declared an animal health emergency due to the detection of avian flu cases in wild birds. The move comes after the country’s agriculture ministry directed the states to take such a measure, Parana’s government said in a statement. It […]
Jul 25, 2023
Scotland: Around 70 birds killed by flu in the last seven days
IOM Today People are asked not to touch sick or dead birds or animals after a washed up guillemot tested positive for avian influenza. Around 70 dead and dying seabirds have been collected by the Department for Environment, Food and Agriculture on the southern and western coastline since July 11. Samples taken from some a […]
Jul 18, 2023