Category: Coping with COVID
‘Bone Smashing’ TikTok Trend, Here Are Dangers Of Hammering Your Face
Forbes If you are wondering whether you should hit yourself in the face with a hammer, the answer is typically no. Yet, that’s what some people on TikTok seem to be doing with the stated goal of improving their facial appearances. Yes, you heard that correctly. People have been using the term “bone smashing” to […]
Oct 17, 2023

Jamais vu, the opposite of déjà vu: Why does the familiar feel strangely new sometimes?
Medical News Today Many people have heard of and probably experienced déjà vu — the strange feeling you have already seen or experienced something as you are seeing or experiencing it. But very few people know about the opposite of déjà vu, known as jamais vu, when a familiar experience feels new. Why does it […]
Oct 10, 2023

Washington Post On a flight from Cancún to Orlando, I didn’t notice any bodily fluids caked on the seat or coursing down the aisle, a relief after several recent incidents involving excretions. But gross organisms are not always visible. Most likely, I was sitting in a pool of germs. With a quick swab test, I confirmed this […]
Oct 4, 2023

What is Fat Bear Week? Everything to know about the big, beefy event.
Washington Post ’Tis the season to be jolly, and I’m not talking about Christmas. It’s Fat Bear Week, a pure and wonderful treat for people who need a break from the harsh realities of life. The competition champions the brown bears of Katmai National Park and Preserve as they complete their transformations from scrawny to elephantine for […]
Sep 27, 2023

Datebook Paul Simon says he suffered sudden hearing loss while recording his new album, making it unlikely that he will ever be able to tour or perform live again. The 81-year-old Rock & Roll Hall of Fame musician and co-founder of the folk duo Simon & Garfunkel told the British newspaper the Times that the hearing in his […]
Sep 20, 2023

Cascades of red wine flood a city’s streets in Portugal after huge tanks rupture
NPR There is so much surplus red wine in Portugal, it’s flooding the streets. That’s one way of deciphering the incredible scene that unfolded in São Lourenço do Bairro, a small town where millions of liters of wine recently overwhelmed the roads. The roughly 2.2 million liters of wine (some 581,000 gallons) poured out of […]
Sep 12, 2023

Live Worm Removed From Woman’s Brain
MedPageToday A live, wriggling parasitic roundworm, 80 mm long, was extracted from the brain of a 64-year-old woman in Australia. The worm was a third-stage larval form of Ophidascaris robertsi and was surgically removed from the patient’s right frontal lobe, reported Sanjaya Senanayake, MBBS, of the Canberra Hospital in Australia, and co-authors in Emerging Infectious Diseases The helminth […]
Aug 29, 2023

‘Don’t Kiss or Snuggle Your Turtle,’ C.D.C. Warns Amid Salmonella Outbreak
NYT Twenty-six people have been sickened in recent months in an outbreak linked to small turtles, health officials said. In recent years, health officials have warned those who have bearded dragons, hedgehogs, ducks and chickens as pets to do their part in preventing the spread of salmonella infections. Now, an outbreak of salmonella cases across 11 […]
Aug 22, 2023
Scientists Recreate Pink Floyd Song by Reading Brain Signals of Listeners
The audio sounds like it’s being played underwater. Still, it’s a first step toward creating more expressive devices to assist people who can’t speak. Scientists have trained a computer to analyze the brain activity of someone listening to music and, based only on those neuronal patterns, recreate the song. The research, published on Tuesday, produced a recognizable, […]
Aug 15, 2023