Category: Clinical Considerations
SARS-CoV-2 Associated With Increased Incidence of Psoriasis
Dermatology Times A recent matched cohort study1 published in BMC Medicine found that in a cohort of patients in the UK, SARS-CoV-2 was associated with an increased incidence of psoriasis, among several immune-mediated inflammatory diseases (IMID). Increased incidence was also associated with type 1 diabetes mellitus and inflammatory bowel disease. Investigators Syed et al sought to explore the […]
Oct 3, 2023
Research shows “direct mechanistic link” between COVID-19 infection and heart attack, stroke
NeuroNews A new study has shed fresh light on the potential connection between pre-existing heart issues and symptoms of ‘long-COVID’. According to researchers from New York University (NYU) Langone Health in New York City, USA, being infected with the pandemic virus SARS-CoV-2 can trigger a dangerous immune response in plaques lining the heart’s largest blood vessels […]
Oct 3, 2023
Can creatine supplements help people with long COVID?
Medical News Today Among the often-mystifying, extended effects of COVID-19 is post-viral fatigue syndrome, or (PVFS). A small new study finds that dietary creatine may help alleviate its symptoms. The study found that taking dietary creatine for three months substantially improved feelings of fatigue, and by six months, had produced improvements in body aches, breathing issues, loss […]
Sep 27, 2023
Long COVID Rare in U.S. Kids, Has Affected 7% of Adults
MedNewsToday More common among girls and women. Long COVID in the U.S. is rare among children and has affected roughly one in 14 adults, according to a pair of data briefs from the CDC’s National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS). Overall, in 2022, an estimated 1.3% of children in the U.S. ever had long COVID, and 0.5% […]
Sep 26, 2023
Contagious omicron strain replicates early in infection
Cornell Chronicle Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2019, the SARS-CoV-2 virus has produced a number of variants, including alpha, beta, delta and omicron, each with its own subvariants. New research, published Sept. 22 in Science Advances, used engineered mice to compare SARS-COV-2 omicron subvariants, and found one of them, BA.5, was more […]
Sep 26, 2023
COVID patients at higher risk of new cardiovascular, cerebrovascular conditions amid Delta wave
CIDRAP A large study from Singapore suggests that COVID-19 infection increased the risk of new-onset cardiovascular and cerebrovascular complications during the Delta variant era and that vaccination lowered the risk. For the study, published today in Clinical Infectious Diseases, a team led by National Centre for Infectious Diseases researchers used national testing and healthcare claims databases to evaluate […]
Sep 26, 2023
She wrote to a scientist about her fatigue. It inspired a breakthrough
Washington Post Her dogged efforts lead to a new scientific discovery that may help others with long covid and other chronically fatiguing illnesses Amanda Twinam’s journey to understand her decades-long fatigue began with a breast cancer diagnosis at age 28. Twinam underwent a mastectomy before enduring chemotherapy. The medicines made her sick and triggered seizures, […]
Sep 19, 2023
Nature The immunity conferred by SARS-CoV-2 vaccines and infections reduces the transmission of the virus. To answer how the effect of immunity is shared between a reduction of infectiousness and an increased protection against infection, we examined >50,000 positive cases and >110,000 contacts from Geneva, Switzerland (June 2020 to March 2022). We assessed the association […]
Sep 12, 2023
1 in 4 COVID survivors had impaired lung function 1 year on, study shows
CIDRAP A quarter of COVID-19 survivors had impaired lung function 1 year after infection, and older patients, those with more than three chronic conditions, and those with severe cases improved slower than other patients over time, a Dutch study published yesterday in PLOS One reveals. A team led by University of Amsterdam researchers evaluated diffusing capacity for carbon monoxide (DLCO), […]
Sep 12, 2023
COVID-19 virus detected in tears of patients with, without ocular symptoms
Healio SARS-CoV-2 may be transmissible through ocular routes, highlighting the importance of taking precautions during ocular examinations of patients diagnosed with COVID-19, according to a study. “It is worth noting that the viral load in conjunctival samples is generally lower when compared to nasopharyngeal secretions,” Kanishk Singh, MBBS, MD, from All India Institute of Medical Sciences, and colleagues […]
Sep 12, 2023