University of Nebraska Medical Center

Category: anthrax

What To Know About Anthrax As WHO Warns Of Growing Outbreaks In Africa

Forbes Anthrax—a bacterial disease with dangerous potential as a biological or bioterrorist weapon—is spreading at an alarming rate in Zambia and a handful of nearby African countries, the World Health Organization warned on Monday, sounding the alarm as health officials rush to gain control of the situation amid fears of a wider outbreak in the region. […]

Dec 12, 2023

Zambia reports 684 suspected anthrax cases, 4 deaths

CIDRAP Zambia is reporting by far its most widespread anthrax outbreak ever, with 684 suspected cases and 4 deaths, the World Health Organization (WHO) reported late last week. Cases have been reported in 9 of Zambia’s 10 provinces. Previous outbreaks were confined to Northwest and Western provinces, with sporadic cases over the years. “Of note,” the WHO said, […]

Dec 12, 2023