University of Nebraska Medical Center

Author: Claudinne Miller

Proteomic and transcriptomic profiling of brainstem, cerebellum and olfactory tissues in early- and late-phase COVID-19

Nature Neurological symptoms, including cognitive impairment and fatigue, can occur in both the acute infection phase of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) and at later stages, yet the mechanisms that contribute to this remain unclear. Here we profiled single-nucleus transcriptomes and proteomes of brainstem tissue from deceased individuals at various stages of COVID-19. We detected an […]

Feb 20, 2024

Six cases of measles confirmed in outbreak at a Florida elementary school

NBC The state Department of Health in Broward County announced Friday that a third grader had been diagnosed, and five more cases have been confirmed since. Six people have been diagnosed with measles in an outbreak at the Manatee Bay Elementary School in Weston, Florida. The Florida Department of Health in Broward County announced in […]

Feb 20, 2024

CDC may recommend a spring Covid booster for some groups

NBC People who are most vulnerable to Covid complications, such as older people and those with weak immune systems, may be able to get another dose for protection. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is considering whether to recommend yet another Covid booster shot this spring, especially for people most at risk for severe […]

Feb 20, 2024

Risk for chronic fatigue soars among those who had COVID-19, study says

LA Times People who have had COVID-19 have a significantly higher risk of suffering chronic fatigue than those who haven’t had the disease, a new study published Wednesday shows. “Our data indicate that COVID-19 is associated with a significant increase in new fatigue diagnoses,” according to the study, published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention […]

Feb 20, 2024

How bubonic plague rewired the human immune system

BBC Bubonic plague is still found in scattered locations around the world, but thanks to modern antibiotics it is far easier to treat than in the past. Yet, the disease may still have left its mark on humankind. Under the microscope, Yersinia pestis doesn’t look particularly special. It’s a fairly standard shape for a bacterium – a […]

Feb 20, 2024

When It Comes to Isolation, COVID Shouldn’t Be Singled Out From the Pack

MedPageToday News surfaced last week suggesting a potential shift in COVID-19 isolation guidance from the CDC. The planned guidance, which is expected to be released this spring for public comment, indicates a significant switch in how COVID-19 is conceptualized. The guidance would bring COVID-19 into line with how other common respiratory viruses are managed: with isolation recommended […]

Feb 20, 2024

The uncharted world of emerging pathogens

In their quest to detect early outbreaks, virus hunters are sampling environmental DNA in water, dirt, and air. It all started when Christopher Mason’s 3-year-old daughter licked a subway pole.Like any parent, he was horrified, but also keenly curious: What types of microbes might be clinging to a metal pipe gripped by countless commuters every […]

Feb 20, 2024

25 states see ‘high,’ or ‘very high’ levels of respiratory illness activity: CDC

CBS News COVID, flu hospitalizations remained steady compared to last week. Half of all states are seeing high levels of respiratory virus activity, new federal data updated Friday shows. Currently, 25 states plus New York City and Washington, D.C., are experiencing “high” or “very high” levels of respiratory illness activity, according to the Centers for […]

Feb 20, 2024

Measles infections pose far more risks than most realize

NBC News The virus can cause “immune amnesia,” leaving patients more vulnerable to other infections. Erica Finkelstein-Parker planned her daughter’s 8th birthday party with love. Because Emmalee adored airplanes, Finkelstein-Parker chose the theme “Flying High with Emmalee.” Finkelstein-Parker filled nearly two dozen brightly colored goody bags for Emmalee’s friends — one for every child in […]

Feb 20, 2024

Brazil Is Waging a War Against Rising Dengue Cases

Bloomberg Can a vaccine slow dengue in Brazil? Last year in Brazil, our health regulatory agency approved the Qdenga vaccine for dengue fever. The news excited me — dengue is a painful, common mosquito-borne illness that has no specific treatment and in severe cases can even be fatal. It’s found in tropical and subtropical climates like Brazil, where cases are […]

Feb 20, 2024