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University of Nebraska Medical Center

Author: Claudinne Miller

There’s never a good time to drink raw milk. But now’s a really bad time as bird flu infects cows

Stat Scientists who know about the types of pathogens — E. coli and Salmonella among them — that can be transmitted in raw milk generally think drinking unpasteurized milk is a bad idea. But right now, they believe, the danger associated with raw milk may have gone to a whole new level. “If I were in […]

Apr 30, 2024

What we’re starting to learn about H5N1 in cows, and the risk to people

Stat The H5N1 bird flu virus has been around for decades, and the damage it wreaks on chickens and other poultry is well documented. But the recent discovery that the virus has jumped into dairy cattle — whose udders seem to be where the virus either infects or migrates to — has dumbfounded scientists and […]

Apr 30, 2024

Comparative Analysis of New Influenza Vaccines and COVID-Influenza Combination Vaccine

Contagion Live Annual immunizations against SARS-CoV-2 and influenza viruses are crucial for public health, addressing the evolving nature of these viruses. Aiming to enhance influenza vaccines for older adults, researchers have focused on eliciting broad immune responses against different flu strains, particularly H3N2, while avoiding antigenic changes related to egg adaptation. Findings from the study […]

Apr 30, 2024

Are We Testing Enough for H5N1?

MedPage Today With H5N1 avian influenza causing unprecedented outbreaks in mammals  around the world — including U.S. dairy cattle — infectious disease experts are raising concerns that the U.S. isn’t doing enough to get ahead of any potential problems. “We really need to be moving quickly to get our heads around what’s happening in the animal […]

Apr 30, 2024


After steady decline, TB has increased every year since 2020 in U.S.

Washington Post After decreasing for 27 years, the number of U.S. residents with tuberculosis has increased every year since 2020, with 9,615 cases recorded last year in the 50 states and D.C., according to a report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The finding was based on data from the agency’s National Tuberculosis Surveillance […]

Apr 30, 2024

HPAI circulating in US dairy cattle since 2023?

Watt Poultry Analysis suggests that highly pathogenic avian influenza may have entered the U.S. dairy herd late last year, as one in five milk samples in the country test positive for HPAI virus fragments. While it may be a truism to say that a virus must be present to be detected, simply reporting virus’ detection […]

Apr 30, 2024

Do Our Flu Antivirals Work on H5N1?

MedPage Today With avian influenza A (H5N1) infecting more mammals than ever before — including U.S. dairy cattleopens in a new tab or window — infectious disease experts are paying close attention to whether current influenza antivirals would be effective should H5N1 adapt to humans. All influenza viruses have extremely similar internal mechanisms for reproduction, William Schaffner, […]

Apr 30, 2024

US to test ground beef in states with bird-flu outbreaks in dairy cows

Reuters The U.S. government said on Monday it is collecting samples of ground beef at retail stores in states with outbreaks of bird flu in dairy cows for testing, but remains confident the meat supply is safe. Federal officials are seeking to verify the safety of milk and meat after confirming the H5N1 virus in […]

Apr 30, 2024

Technical Report: Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza A(H5N1) Viruses

CDC A small number of sporadic human cases of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) A(H5N1) have been identified worldwide since 2022, amidst a panzootic of these viruses in wild birds and poultry. Nearly all human cases reported globally since 2022 were associated with poultry exposures, and no cases of human-to-human transmission of HPAI A(H5N1) virus have been identified. […]

Apr 26, 2024

How bird flu virus fragments get into milk sold in stores, and what the spread of H5N1 in cows means for the dairy industry and milk drinkers

The Conversation The discovery of fragments of avian flu virus in milk sold in U.S. stores, including in about 20% of samples in initial testing across the country, suggests that the H5N1 virus may be more widespread in dairy cattle than previously realized. The Food and Drug Administration, which announced the early results from its nationally representative sampling on […]

Apr 25, 2024