University of Nebraska Medical Center

Author: Claudinne Miller

SARS-CoV-2 awakens ancient retroviral genes and the expression of proinflammatory HERV-W envelope protein in COVID-19 patients

PubMed atients with COVID-19 may develop abnormal inflammatory response, followed in some cases by severe disease and long-lasting syndromes. We show here that in vitro exposure to SARS-CoV-2 activates the expression of the human endogenous retrovirus (HERV) HERV-W proinflammatory envelope protein (ENV) in peripheral blood mononuclear cells from a subset of healthy donors, in ACE2 receptor and […]

Apr 25, 2023

Boys may be prone to fetal brain development from COVID

NPR A new study finds that when pregnant people get COVID, their male children have a greater risk of subtle neurodevelopmental effects. AILSA CHANG, HOST: The country’s tally of COVID-19 cases includes more than 200,000 people who were pregnant when they got infected. Now scientists are reporting that boys from those pregnancies may be prone […]

Apr 25, 2023

Biohazard warning as fighters seize Sudan lab: WHO

Reuters Video Africa Times Authorities in Sudan report a “high risk of biological hazards” following the seizure of a health facility where polio, measles and cholera isolates are stored but the samples are now completely out of their control. “It is occupied by one of the fighting parties,” said Dr. Nima Saeed Abid, the World […]

Apr 25, 2023

Biomarker pattern found in kids with COVID 19-linked inflammatory syndrome

NIH Findings from NIH-funded study could lead to new means of diagnosis and treatment for MIS-C. Children with multisystem inflammatory syndrome (MIS-C(link is external)) — a rare condition linked with the virus that causes COVID-19 — have biochemical indicators of cell injury and cell death that are distinct from other children with COVID-19, according to […]

Apr 25, 2023

Dr. Fauci Looks Back: ‘Something Clearly Went Wrong’

New York Times Magazine In his most extensive interview yet, Anthony Fauci wrestles with the hard lessons of the pandemic — and the decisions that will define his legacy. It was, perhaps, an impossible job. Make one man the face of public health amid an unprecedented pandemic, in a country as fractious as the United […]

Apr 25, 2023

Finding the Origin of a Pandemic Is Difficult. Preventing One Shouldn’t Be.

NYT (Opinion) In 1999, the New York State Department of Health asked me to test ‌brain samples from‌‌ people in Queens experiencing encephalitis, or brain inflammation. Surprisingly, we found they were infected with West Nile virus, a mosquito-borne virus that had never been reported before in North America. How did a virus endemic in Africa […]

Apr 25, 2023

Ranking the Pain of Stinging Insects, From ‘Spicy’ to ‘Satanic’

AtlasObscura Remembering one passionate entomologist who poetically described and classified more than 70 species’ painful stings. Trekking along a mountain in Guanacaste Province, Costa Rica, entomologist Justin Schmidt came across a nest of the tropical wasp species Polybia simillima, better known as the fierce black polybia wasp. The agile, buzzing insect has a reputation for having a painful […]

Apr 25, 2023

Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP)

CDC Next ACIP Meeting April 19, 2023, 11:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. ACIP meetings are virtual. No registration is required to watch the webcasts. Agenda Webcast Link Federal Register

Apr 18, 2023

Pathogens in Pop Culture: Fungal Pathogens and The Last of Us

NETEC Could a fungus cause the next pandemic? If you’ve watched HBO’s hit series ‘The Last of Us’ or played the popular video game, then you may be familiar with the concept: a mass outbreak of an infectious fungus turns humans into zombies. But could the scenario played out in ‘The Last of Us’ actually […]

Apr 18, 2023