University of Nebraska Medical Center

Los Angeles sees unprecedented cluster of locally acquired dengue fever in people bitten by mosquitoes

ABC News For the first time, Los Angeles County health officials have identified a cluster of dengue fever cases that are not travel-related. Could we be seeing more of this disease in places it’s not usually found? Experts say it’s important for residents to protect themselves.

We’ve grown accustomed to these aggressive ankle-biting insects. But the presence of the Aedes mosquito is giving dengue fever a chance to establish a new home.

“The cluster of locally acquired dengue cases is unprecedented because it has never occurred before in L.A. County or in California, ” said Dr. Aiman Halai, director of the Vector-Borne Disease Unit, Acute Communicable Disease Control Program with the L.A. County Department of Public Health

Health officials identified three cases between Sept. 9th and this week, all in the city of Baldwin Park.

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