University of Nebraska Medical Center

Take the ‘Death Stairs’ if You Dare

death stairs

NYT A Facebook page, which began among a few friends, has grown into a popular photo collection of hazardous stairs. Kevin Reid knew the bright green staircase in his childhood home was a bit bizarre: It was made of pipe fittings and looked more like a ladder.

The quirky staircase was just a part of his upbringing until it found a global audience in April after it was featured on the Facebook group Death Stairs, a page that has nearly 800,000 members and describes itself as a place “where ascension is perilous and descending is deadly.”

What qualifies for inclusion on the page takes many forms. Among the highlights: narrow, triangle-shaped stepsa glass spiral staircase with mirrored walls and steep wooden stairs carved into a New Zealand cliff face.

Mr. Reid had never thought of the steps at his childhood home as death stairs. His father had built the staircase as part of a two-story addition to the back of the house.

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